My Life In Pieces

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Scenario 23:~

19th September, 2015:

I couldn't help but stare at his plump lips as they moved, the words leaving his mouth never once registered in my brain. I just wanted to taste them again. Just one more time before I had to leave. I needed him. I needed the feeling he gave me when he kissed me. I wanted to feel my heart soar and my stomach twist into knots. To have goose-bumps raise on every inch of my skin from his touch. I needed all of this, just once more. I wanted it and only from him.

"Babe," his raspy voice snapped me back to reality but I couldn't look away from his lips; all I could muster was a mumbled 'yes' as a response.

"Stop staring at my lips," he spoke and I couldn't care less that I had been caught, I just grinned.

"I can't," I told him, a giggle escape my lips.

"Look at my eyes," he whispered and I struggled but eventually managed to do as he said.

He slowly leaned forward until our noses finally touched and we just sat like that for a moment, staring at each others' eyes. This was it. This was the moment I knew that my love for him was completely true. That I was never once lying when I told him the words 'I love you'. He was my it. There would never be another like him. If there were any others after him, they would never be good enough. They could never be him.

And without a word, he closed the small space between us and our lips molded together. And my heart finally soared one last time. My stomach twisted into complex knots one last time. And when he finally pulled back, I whispered those three words to him but this time they meant something different to me. It meant something entirely stronger, whether he knew it or not.

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