One Last Time

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Scenario 5:-

I walked outside to my mailbox. It was stupid of me to not put on a jacket so I ran as quickly as I could to the metal box at the end of the pathway. I opened the lid and pulled out multiple white envelopes and a brown box. On the top of the box was my name written in a very familiar handwriting. I decided to investigate it more in the warmth of my flat.

I ran inside, up the steps and to my room. I dumped the envelopes next to the pile of his clothes at the edge of my bed. With a sigh, I moved the duffle bag out of the way and sat down on my bed. I pried the box open and my eyes landed on the silver device. An IPod. I frowned and turned it on to see one file so I got up and put it into the doc for it to play. That's when his voice filled my room.

My knees gave way as I heard his voice for the first time in two months. Even after everything, he still has this effect on me. It was like meeting him all over again. I bit down on my lip as I absorbed every word that flowed through those speakers.

"I can't actually believe that this is happening. At first I thought that it was going to be like all the other times when we fought and you left and then I'd crawl back to apologize. But this time you didn't forgive me and I guess... I didn't know what to do exactly..."

By this time I'm sitting on the floor as I hugged my legs to my chest. I'm not sure why he's doing this but I know that by the end, I'll be heart broken all over again.

"I miss you and I know we left things on a bad note. So I sent this so that those things won't be my last words to you. I needed you to know how sorry I am one last time before I go. I didn't mean to leave. I didn't know why I called you the things that I did. I never wanted things to be this way between you and I but it seems inevitable. So this will be my last goodbye...."

I frowned, completely confused by his words. I didn't understand because I had to see him again to drop off his stuff. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialled his all too familiar number as the recording continued. One ring... two rings... three rings... four rings.... five rings.... then his voicemail. I frowned at the phone. That was not normal. I tried again and again but the same thing was happening. I started to get worried so I did the one thing I could, I pulled on my jacket and got my car keys. I walked out into the cold winter air and got into my car.

The drive to his house was short. I quickly parked the car and I ran up to the door. I lifted my hand and rang the doorbell one, two times and when no one came, I started to knock the door rapidly. It finally opened to show Ron, one of Jason's best friend and roomates.

"Cami? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Not important. Where's Jace?" I asked, my sentence rushed.

"His room," he said and that's all the information I needed before I pushed past Ron to make my way up the two flights of stairs and to Jace's room. I twisted the doorknob but it wouldn't budge.

"Jace open the door! Jace open the bloody door!!!" I yelled as I banged against the wood but nothing happened. He didn't even respond.  I screamed in frustration and kicked the door.

"Damnit Jace!" I shouted as I made a small circle in the hallway. I ran back down the stairs to see Ron sitting on the couch next to Will playing COD. They were both so into the videogame that they didn't even notice when I came downstairs. I walked in front of them, blocking the screen.

"Hey!" Will said.

"Cami move!" Ron told me.

"Where's the key for Jace's room?" I asked but they ignored me. I turned around and pressed the button on the telly to turn it off.

"Cami!" they chorused.

"Tell me where the key is."

"It's behind the picture in the hall," Will said looking slightly pissed off. I didn't even thank them before going back up the steps and to his door. Right next to the doorframe was a picture of a beach that I never noticed before. I removed it and taped on to the wall was the key. I took it in my hand and jammed it in the lock before turning it. I shoved the door open and the sight before me shattered my already broken heart.

He was out in the balcony, standing on the banister. His body starting to sway. I ran forward, out onto the balcony just as Jace's body started to tilt forward. I screamed out his name.

I was now leaning over the egde, my fingers wrapped around the material of his jacket. A strong pain shot up my arm from the sudden weight of his body. He looked up at me and his storm grey eyes locked with mine.


"Jace, take my hand," I said as I put my other hand out to try and pull him up.

"Cami, what are you...?"

"Just take my hand. Jace please, I can't hold on much longer," I begged as my fingers started to slowly slip from his jacket. A few seconds passed until I finally felt his hand in mine. I fixed my grip on his jacket and started to pull him up. It was struggle but I managed to get him up halfway, after that he helped himself. He collapsed on the floor at my feet and I knelt down beside him.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I started to check him for bruises.

"Cami. Cami! I'm fine," he said but he sounded a little breathless.

"Good," I said. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I asked as I slapped him on his arm repeatedly been words.

"I don't know."

"Damnit Jason, don't ever do something to me like this again," I whispered as I wrapped my hands around his torso and buried my head in his chest in a hug. I felt his hands go around my waist instantly.

"I won't. I promise," I heard him say and my body relaxed. I pulled back and looked up at his face.

"Good because you need to be alive for me to do this," I whispered and before he could ask any questions, I kissed him and he didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

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