Time passed...

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One year later...
-Hey, Emily. Hi, Chloe, Connor, Aiden, I missed u guys so much! Can u believe it we're already in 10th grade, i mean i still remember the very first day we met, in the 1st grade, and look where we are now. I love you guys so much!
-Hey B, I missed you- said Chloe and gave me the strongest hug she could, all i could think of was that she'd just choke me.
- B, B, B oh my god i fucking missed you- screamed Emily.
- The one and only Blaire Abrams look at you, you've grown so much over the summer!
- Stop it with the sarcasm Connor!
-Come here you- said Connor and opened his huge, arms.
- Oh my gosh, Blaire the bear i missed you too babes, how ya doin' girl?
-I'm great how are you Aiden and what's with all your boyfriend drama.
- I'll tell you all about that later- said Aiden, one of my best friends since kindergarten and possibly the most GAYISH person you've ever met.
Emily, Chloe, Aiden, Connor and me- we've been friends for like i don't know, since forever. We're all different we have the gay- Aiden, the jock as well as the womanizer- Connor, the fashion addict- Emily and the cheerleader- Chloe. I'm just stuck in the middle I'm like everyone (except gay). I love fashion, I'm on our schools girls basketball team, I go to the movie club and I love "playing" with boys. Except that i've been in love with just one for a year now. Zack Gibbons the quarterback and the captain of the team. We're in the same English class and Math and Russian. For a year now everyone's been saying he's into me, even he was never trying to deny it but so far he has also done nothing about it! So yeah it's really confusing. I can't wait to see him, i wonder if he'd changed. Oh my god here he comes.
- Hey Blaire, how are you?
- I'm good how are you?
- Same as always how was your summer? Did you travel a lot as you always do?
- I did, I did, it was great actually, how was yours?
- It was okay, I did a lot of training which was kind of annoying so yeah...
Awkward silence.
- K, I'll see you around than, I guess.
- Sure, see ya.
Oh my god what the hell was that cool? What?? Omg I'm freaking out. We don't talk usually, actually we never really talk. We may sometimes have small, meaningless conversations like these, but even they don't happen often. Arghhh i just don't understand if he's really that into me what is stoping him, or is it me am I doing something terribly wrong?!

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