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Since Aimée spent the rest of the night with Sasha, Milan decided to make the best of it and kept Aidé company. She was a very nice girl, though she was not his type, and he made sure to get her phone number saved into his phone so that they could keep in touch. Aidé, on the other hand, had been hesitant at first, but warmed up to Milan. She thought her sister was lucky to have two handsome boys competing for her love. That wasn't something that happened to the red headed Kroos sister, but it did seem to happen to her two older sisters a lot.

The siblings that had come in from Madrid left that same night.

Leon and his sister Aimée had football practice the next morning; he with Real Madrid, and she with their female team.

Sasha had taken them all to the airport in his car, leaving Milan to party longer with his other friends. The Barcelona footballer was rather upset at his younger brother. He was trying hard to win over the Madrid girl he had met at the reunion party days earlier, and he thought Sasha was getting in the way of everything. Though if he had to be honest, he knew he was the one getting in between them.

But Milan liked her too, and he wasn't going to give up without a fight.


The next day at practice, Aimée was feeling a bit tired. They had made it to the airport at two in the morning. Then they waited an hour for the flight to arrive. The flight itself was very short, but then there was the right home.

By the time Aimée got into her bed that night, it was half past four in the morning. Practice for the women's team was very early in the mornings. Her brother Leon, who played with the senior men's team was more privileged. While Aimée got up at five in the morning to get to the training grounds at six, Leon got up at eleven, to arrive at noon. Those were the privileges of being a man, Aimée had thought to herself that morning as she threw her gym bag into her car, in the dark of the crack of dawn.

She arrived at the training ground a half hour before practice and joined her team mates in the locker room. It took her a couple of minutes to change into her training uniform and to pull her hair back into a pony tail.

Her cellphone, which was on the bench next to her, lit up with a text message from someone.

milan: it really sucks that my little bro took you away from me last night ;(

milan: u owe me a date now haha

aimée: sry milan :p

As though realizing his brother had sent her a text, she got one from Sasha just moments later.

sasha: bon dia, preciosa :)

aimée: in castilian please. i dont speak catalan ^.^ hehe jk. good morning sash!

sasha: guess what? :)

aimée: what????

sasha: i'll be in town for the week so we can go out on that date u promised :D

milan: want to hang out again some time?

She bit down on her lip. It was difficult to decide which one of them she wanted to go out with. And she thought, hanging out with the two of them wouldn't hurt, as long as she didn't lead them on.

Still, she stuffed her phone into her pocket and didn't reply to either of them.

She would make her decision after practice, and maybe even after having a nap. Aimée left the locker room with her team mates and was ready to start practice for the day.

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