[ once ]

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[ once ]

It had been a couple if long months since Sasha had left Spain, running away to immerse himself in his career after the young woman that he loved had chosen his brother. In a moment of anger and jealousy, he had promised his older brother Milan that he wouldn't give up on Aimée Kroos. He would fight until he could win her love. But that wasn't the problem. She loved both of them, but she had decided that she would be better off with Milan, a person she had the same career as, a person who she would be able to see every week if she wanted to.

Sasha hardly contacted Aimée, thought it was very hard for him. He watched her matches online and spent the next few months writing more music. His period of broken hearted lyrics were past him and now his songs were upbeat again, and they mostly  talked about how he loved a woman who he hoped would realize he was the best thing for her.

Each time Milan listened to his brother on the radio, and he was in the car with Aimée, he would switch it off in anger and just about wanted to tear his ears off. 

He had definitely made an effort to patch things up with his younger brother, but that didn't change the fact that Sasha was still in love with Aimée. 

Soon it was summer time and Milan was given a month of vacation before the pre-season games and friendlies would fill his schedule. FC Barcelona planned to have a tour of the Unites States, as they did almost every summer, because they always had great attendance at their games on American soil. He used that month of free time to support Aimée who had gotten on the women's national team for Spain, after debating with herself for weeks as to which side she wanted to choose. 

Since she was Spanish, German, and Irish, she had three teams to choose from. In the end her heart went with Spain, which had been the country where she loved most of her life.

His girlfriend had gotten picked for the twenty three woman squad that would represent the country at the women's world cup that would be played at home. Elionor had also been called to represent Spain, and Milan wasn't sure how the two girls would react upon seeing each other on the pitch again, this time on the same team. The media pitted them against each other, already aware of the drama between them, and Milan knew he would need to talk to the two of them and ask for them to patch their relationship.

The country was soon ready for the opening match against Spain and Portugal, who had been placed in the group along with the host country. 

From the moment the game started, Milan kept his eye on both girls. Neither of them would pass the ball to the other and Spain missed several opportunities to score because of them. Aimée shot Elionor glares every few minutes, and Elionor did the same. On the bench, their coach was quickly getting tired of their attitude towards each other because it was bringing negative results from the team. He stood at the edge of his area, yelling commands at each of them, asking them to pass the ball to each other, but neither would listen. The people in the stands angrily chanted bench! bench! and everyone knew they were talking about Aimée Kroos and Elionor Bartra. Their coach didn't want that, they were two of his greatest players on the field who came from the best teams in the country. He would first have a serious talk with them during the half time break.

After an agonizing first half in which it was a miracle that Portugal hadn't been able to capitalize off the host's mistakes, Spain retreated into the tunnel for their half time break. The moment the two girls stepped off the pitch, their coach caught up to them, his face red with anger. "For fucks sake, girls. What was happening out there? You two didn't give a single pass to each other the entire first half." He asked them.

"I refuse to play alongside Kroos." Elionor crossed her arms over her chest defiantly.

"Then bench her." Aimée suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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