- = + = - T w e n t y - E i g h t - = + = -

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-=+=- Jordan's POV-=+=-

I wake up to Will still asleep. I smile at the thought of last night. That was the best night of my life. I remove my arms from around Will and head to the shower. I strip and get in. I moan as the warm water hits my body. I lather myself with shampoo and clean up my body. I rinse and sit in the water for a few minutes. I sigh as the bathroom starts to steam up. I turn off the water and get out, instantly regretting my decision. I dried up the water and got dressed. I brush my teeth, also comb my hair. I finish up and head to the kitchen. I fix myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the bar. I enjoy my breakfast and finish just as Will comes down. I turn around, chewing on the last of breakfast and smirk. Will walks twords me with a slight limp, more like a huge limp. I chuckle. Did we really fuck that hard? "Hey princess, or should I say limpy." Will playfully glares at me. "Morning Jor." He goes into the kitchen, fixing himself some cereal. He sits next to me and I look at him. He avoids eye contact. I scan up and down his body and see many hickeys left trailing down his neck. I silently giggle.

He finishes up his cereal and I grab his bowl along with mine. I wash them up as Will takes a shower. I cant believe I gave him a limp. I think hes giving me a silent treatment for this. I finish cleaning the kitchen and sit in the living room. I turn on the TV and there is nothing on. I land on criminal minds. I remember Will watching it yesterday. I smile. 

I see why Will was so into this show. Its really addicting but everyone always gets saved and never like gets very interesting at the ends mostly. Just as I was almost done with the second episode, Will walks into the living room. I smirk as he limps a little less. He plops down next to me, but not as close. I smirk a little more and scoot closer to him. He shifts more twords the end of the couch. I keep pushing until im squishing him on the arm of the chair. I turn his face to look at me and kiss him. He doesnt kiss back at first, but he melts into the kiss. I smirk and I feel him smile. I ask for an entrance, and he slowly grants. My tongue slowly explores his mouth, him moaning when our tongues fight for dominance. What shocked me was Will almost won, but I won.

I pulled away and I could see some new lust in Wills eyes. Did he want more? I smile at that though. Maybe another day. I get up and look around for something to do. Theres really nothing to do. "Hey Will?" I ask from the kitchen. "Yeah?" "You want to go to the park today?" I hear him gasp. "I would love to!" I giggle at him. We both grab a sweatshirt and walk out. I call an uber and we go to the same shut down park from his birthday. We sit on the swings, our hands connected and our cold breath fogging in the cold.

We played around on the sets when we hear footsteps behind us. Will freezes, grasping my hand harder. We turn around to come face to face with Mark and his crew. We had the higher ground on one of the play sets so I hope we have an easy way to escape. We slowly back up to the stairs. My lips move twords Wills ears. "Run." I whisper. We start taking off twords the sidewalk. I was ahead of Will and he was falling behind, Mark on his heals. This isnt going to end well. I pull out my phone and dial the police, but I was stopped by being pushed to the ground. Mark had gotton a hold of Will. I was resisting the cloth that was trying to go around my mouth but I didnt let it happen. I kept my eyes on Will, but I was getting punches thrown at me. "WILL!" Will looked at me, but a cloth went around his mouth. With in seconds he was out. I squirmed, but the cloth went around my mouth. Stars danced in my vision, but I tried fighting. It was no use. I couldnt take it and blacked out.

-=+=-Will's POV-=+=-

I woke up in a dark place. My eyes were adjusting to the dark, but it was hard. I was tied on the floor. There were ropes around my wrist and ankles, also a gag in my mouth. I struggle, trying to scream, but they came out as faint muffles. I hear a door slam open and loud footsteps come twords me. "Well Well Well. Still a pussy like always." The body circles me. That voice sounded familiar. "What? Cat got your tongue? Always the shy insecure one. STOP BEING WEAK!" I cringe, curling into a ball. "Faggot." It was at that point I knew who it was. "What do you want from me dad."

Hey guys so I wanted a little twist in this. Dont get mad at me. I just need something else in this before other things happen, dont worry there not bad at all.

Also I was thinking about posting some chapters for the new story! What do you think? I want to do this book, but its hard to come up with the ideas and the beginning sucks. Let me know and ill post the prologue tonight. Its called My Bracelets and I got inspiration from a story I read.

I also got a new story idea, and was wondering if you guys would like a Janiel fanfiction. I want to write one but dont worry, not leaving the cube fandom. I just have another OTP and I want to write about it. Let me know if you want me to start that one after this one! I will start My bracelets soon so yeah!

School is one thing that im worried about. I start on the 8th so I was thinking weekend post. What do think. Not to short. If I have time to write during the week I could post, but im going to make this a long story. I joined in the middle of school so I wasnt really posting on a schedule, but I needed one because I was so organized. I hope I can do this when school starts so expect slow updates.

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