Unwelcome News

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Author's Note: Well it certainly has been a long time since an update, hasn't it? I'm only five days away from my due date and I'm so sick of being pregnant that I decided to turn to writing as a bit of an outlet.

Enjoy this chapter! Hopefully another will follow soon.


Phillip's mind was drifting about carelessly like dust in the wind as he rode back towards the palace. His mind was swirling with thought of Penelope. She was mysterious to him, and kind. The way she had come to that young girl's defense had sparked a new feeling in Tristan that he hadn't felt before.

His mind wandered to Graham as he realized he would be asking his closest friend to play the role of prince once more, only this time it wasn't a haughty version. Tristan needed Graham to make up for the misdeed of his youth.

Phillip honestly couldn't remember the incident that had soured Penelope's opinion of him so badly. He knew he had been a rather troublesome child, but having killed a swan was a memory long cast away that it was unable to be collected again.

Once returned to the palace he passed his horse off to the stable boy before making his way inside. He was dusty from the road and tried to pat it off before he would leave a trail. He needed to find Graham quickly. If Penelope did decide to humor his offer, than he needed to be sure that everything would be lined up for the following day.

"You're highness!" a young page boy came running up behind him. He stopped for a moment, panting, and it was obvious that he had been searching the grounds for a while.


"The king and queen have requested your presence."

Phillip mentally groaned as he dismissed the page boy and set a new course for their private quarters. He needed to get to Graham but he couldn't ignore his parents.

With heavy feet he finally came to the royal quarters on the east side of the palace. He knocked politely on the door of the sitting room before he was admitted in. He stepped into the room with a polite smile frozen on his face. There was no warmth behind it as it had been a long time since he had felt any sort of good emotions towards his father and step-mother.

"Father, Step-Mother," he bowed his head politely to them both before sitting down in the chair across from them.

"We have good news," the queen offered a smile but Phillip could see there was an under bite to it. Neither had ever been fond of the other. "We received word today that Hitilda will be joining us much earlier than expected."

Phillip's stomach flopped over and his heart sunk. He was supposed to have two more weeks before the woman was supposed to arrive. He knew that the queen was pushing hard for this union, but he thought he had at least a little more time and freedom before he had to play the polite and caring host to a girl he had never met.

"Indeed," was his only response as he pursed his lips tightly together.

"It is a little unfortunate that she couldn't have come a few days earlier and then she could've attended the ball with you and you wouldn't have put up that embarrassing display of switching places with Graham." Her eyes narrowed and she spoke Graham's name as if it were a sour taste upon her tongue.

Phillip knew how much the queen disliked Graham. He had thought it was a grand idea to swap roles at the ball, but now he was a little uneasy since it seemed to have done more damage to his name in regards to Penelope.

"When will she be arriving?" the question was automatic and Phillip's eyes flicked over to his father who was sitting quietly.

"Tomorrow afternoon." The queen smiled slyly as if she knew Phillip was attempting one last effort in finding a bride before having to agree to a union with Hitilda.

Phillip felt anger flare inside of him at the news. This was no what was agreed. This was not the deal. He was supposed to have more time to seek someone else before Hitilda arrived and now the queen was changing the rules of the game.

"I expect you'll be on your best behavior." The king suddenly spoke up which was a bit of a surprise. 

Phillip was sure that his father had not done any actual ruling in the kingdom for years since his step-mother had come into the picture. As a young boy he remembered his father to be strong and fair, but ever since his mother had died it seemed his father had died too.

"If she isn't too tired from her journey, then you are to give her a tour of the palace as she will be staying with us for a while." The king further spoke and it only caused Phillip to feel even angrier.

"Very well." He spoke tightly. "If that is all, then I shall leave you." He excused himself quickly before he could let his temper get away from him and say something he would regret.

Once he was out of ear shot and several halls away he let out a frustrated scream and kicked the wall. He regretted kicking the wall instantly and limped slightly as his toes were now throbbing in his leather boot.

He was praying Penelope was going to come and start to change her opinion of the prince, but how could that work if the whole palace was buzzing over the new arrival and he was supposed to play the role of a gracious host? How could he keep the charade up with Graham if whispers were floating through the hall?

Phillip stared out the hall window towards the town in the distance. This was going to be more complicated than he thought.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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