Rubber Band

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I could die right now
Years by the hairs on my skin
I could die right now
I feel my hands, they're trembling

Don't think about that
Don't worry so much
Don't think about that
Turn the faucet Off now

I could die right now
Put my cards down, call my bluff
I could die right now
Red pillows for my head
But my mind's in head cuffs

Don't think about that
Comfortable silence
You should make it that
Turn the faucet off now

Listen to music your age
Stop asking questions
Make better friends
No time for honest confessions

Saturdays ain't my favorites
Fridays ain't the same
I'm not from Ohio
But it sure feels that way

Sporadic moments of chaos
Or spontanious combustion
Imploding automatically
Suffer from concussions
I really am too happy
Caused by over consumption
Seasonal depression
That phrase needs no introduction

And how do I function
When I cannot read my thoughts, clean them out when they rot, you can treat me like a robot
Put me in my slot, charge me up just to use me again
I always sound pretentious, I have learned how to pretend

And the world has no end, but we don't know that for sure
And we know that there is cancer, but we have not found the cure
And we treat morals with religion, but we haven't ended war
And we guess what's in the future, so unsure of what's before

And I mean now, I mean soon, and then everything in between
I don't want to solve my problems, I do not know what they mean
I ask why, but that's foolish, I have learned I have no aim
I'm aware of what I'm doing, but I don't know what I'm saying

So I'll say it, like I do, how I always will be
My name changed when I opened my eyes to see
This error in my craft, gives me all the rights to bleed
I can fill my brain with lead, but I don't know how to lead

Feed, me, with ignorance that will never end
Tell me what I ought to do, who should I defend
No having ups and downs, get rid of my friends
Let me cry - no scratch that

Do not cry for anything, listen to me speak
I am who I say I am, not what's underneath
Smile for the camera, do not tell a lie
Do not trust your family, do not tell a lie

Do not tell a lie, do not understand
Follow what I say, you are not a man
You wear dresses, you wear skirts, and nothing in between
I was born with a daughter, pleade do not make a scene

Do not talk to me, tell me everything
Your voice is so important, I don't want to hear you sing
Take your headphones off, play another hymn
You cannot go out, don't keep everything in

Smile for the camera, now give me your phone
I never said to never cry, you're acting too grown
You need to grow up, stop acting like a guy
Don't worry so much, I said don't cry

Don't cry
Don't cry
Stop crying

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