The Dream

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I was standing in a Dark forest, the sky was pitch black. The only light emanated from myself and other sparks floating throughout the air.

Based on how dark the world is I can only assume that I'm now in the past before the Elder spark came to Light.

My eyes scanned the horizon. I could see nothing except for the occasional tree from the Light of a Spark. A shudder ran down my spine. This was what the early days were like. You couldn't see anything.

A loud howl rang all around me, but how was that possible. It sounded again, but this time closer. My mind reflected on the fight with the lone wolf in the forest and fear seeped into my being. I don't know if I could survive another fight like that again. I only survived by luck the first time around.

Once more I heard the prominent cry, but instead of only sounding like one wolf, it sounded almost like a pack of them. And they were much closer.

"H-hello?" I called out, hoping for an answer. I was met with a chorus of low growls. Fear swelled inside of me at the unseen wolves in the Dark. My Light was not strong enough and there were no nearby Sparks to help me out.

I willed my Light to shine brighter and its brilliance covered another 3 ft radius around me, but the now combined force of  9 ft was still not enough.

The growls were so close now. I could almost pick out each individual growl apart from the rest, yet I couldn't see their owners.

"C-come into t-the Light..." I managed to stutter through my fear. Unexpectedly, a man stepped forward right in front of me.

"Well hello Lea, nice to see you here." The voice deep and unrecognizable. The man's face was covered in shadows, making his identity hidden.

I gulped, trying to swallow my fear. I'm the Guardian of the Elder Spark, I'm better than this. "Who are you? Show yourself!" I tried to put as much confidence in those words as I could, confidence that I didn't have.

The man took a step closer. "Well, I don't believe I need introducing. You see," he paused to step right up in front of me, where my Light could penetrate the Shadow. "I'm someone you already know." And it was true. I gasped at the familiarness of the face before me. It was a face I grew to trust and to love.

"H-how? How are you here? You can't be!" My stuttering voice grew into a yell as I shouted at him. This was impossible! He couldn't be here! This was not his time!

"Well you see my dear Lea, I am not quite exactly what you think I am. I am here, but yet I'm not. I am the future, and this," he gestured to the world around us, "is what follows after me."

I gasped once more. No. This can't happen. This bleak world could not be the future. I will not let that happen.

The man walked up to my left and placed a hand on my right shoulder. "Come Lea, let's take a walk."

Knowing better than to run away I walked with him, feeling the presence of multiple beasts surrounding us just outside of my circle of Light. "What is it that you want?"

"Well my dear, I simply only want your Light. Not now of course, as you know it's not yet time. Your Light is the only thing capable of stopping me, and once I get ahold of your Light, I will be able to twist it to my will and create even more Darkness. As you know, even Light casts Shadows. When the time is right, give it up, and everything shall be fine."

"But I won't! I wouldn't be able to survive giving up my Light!" Alarms went off in my mind. Giving up my Light? That's what makes me, me! Without that, there'll be no Elder Spark to bring peace to the world. What will happen then?

"Ah, but you seem to have forgotten. You are different than other Guardians. You also have Darkness swirling within your little heart. Most of you will die once you give up your Light, the rest will be fine. Problem solved."

My mind continuously spirals downward. He's insane! He thinks I'm going to give up my Light to him! The fact that my Light is the only thing that can rival him makes me want to keep it even more. "And what if I don't give up my Light?"

"Well then, your beloved will die. Just like that." He shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"No! That can't happen!" I slapped his hand off my shoulder and glared at him. I wasn't just about to let him tell me what to do just like that.

"Well then, we can't have that now can we? Boys," he spun on his heels to face me, his face scowling. He motions forward with his hand, towards me. "You know what to do."

From outside the ring of Light, wolves slowly walked in. Except, they aren't exactly wolves. They were much larger with long dark shaggy fur and big gleaming yellow fangs, topped with pitch black beady eyes. There were at least a dozen of them closing in on me, leaving no way out.

To terrified to try anything, I shut my eyes tight and awaited for them to pounce, but nothing came. I peeked open my eyes just to see the one directly in front of me leap, mouth snarling I flinched and just before it hit me, everything went dark once more.


I sat upright in a bed fashioned out of leaves with Will's jacket as a blanket. Nearby sat Will on the hard ground, leaning against a tree. I started to
breathe in and out deeply, gasping for air. Will must've seen me and immediately got up to help me.

Once I calmed down a bit, I looked over at Will and thanked him, telling him I was alright. But looking at his face brought my dream back to my mind, as it reminded me of someone.

The man in my dream was Will in the future.

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