Chapter 3: Oh Hey Stranger

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A/n: "SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES"- said no one who ever went into my room.
It's 12am and I'm trying not to be loud in my raving and throwing old glow sticks across the room.
(Btw If you didn't know Im weird so yeah this is one of my weird chapters)

Song- "Neapolitan Dreams"- Lisa Mitchell

-mention of death

I felt my stomach churn in guilt, even though it wasn't my fault. I'm a sucker when it comes to feeling guilty for someone, but I usually end up telling them to fuck off... But in this case, it wouldn't help. Probably would land me in a fight at this hour. "Well, at least we don't live in America." Alice said, nudging my arm, awkwardly laughing slightly. I grinned at her awkwardness, but it didn't help the horrible situation. It almost looked like it was a sad day for our country, as if we had been bombed or something of the kind. But no, it was just Americans not being able to go back to America. Then there were the drunks who dared to poke at them, and causing a fight to go out.

There was a mix of emotions in the air, some of the drunks spouting randomness at the poor people, others grieving, and then there were people like me who don't get effected by this one single bit. I could honestly care less, how should I put this,... but I am with the burden of caring too much about other peoples' problems. I guess I'm not the kind to 'kick someone while they're down' so to say. Next thing I knew we were surrounded by a sworm of people, throwing their money at the bartenders. Alice was shoved off her chair, her skirt flying up, catching the attention of hammered perverts, rushing to her 'aid'. Well this is just great.

"Oh Fuck!" I cursed under my breath, trying to pull her up from the pedophiles trying to get lucky in the middle of the afternoon. Again, who wants to be laid in the middle of the day?! It's hard to pull up a person that is the exact same weight and size as you. Eventually I got her up and managed to shoo off the freaks. "You okay Alice?" I asked, her face was flushed and you could see how embarrassed she was. She looked at her hand, putting it out as-if she was a kid comparing her hand to somebody else's.

"Fuck! Where the heck is it?!" She suddenly got back down on her knees (no toms not the new Queen sorry), looking like a child. "Alice?! What the hell 'you doing?!" ANNND there goes all my hard work at pulling a bunch in bricks up straight. I got down on my knees next to her. "What are you looking for?!"

"My ring! The ring my Fiancé gave me!"

"You're married?!!"

"Tom this is not the time! Help me find the damn ring!"

We both scattered around the bar floor, and I was getting stepped on by hookers who thought I was trying to look up their skirt. One even offered me but I scooted away. A heel dug into my hand, and I silently screamed. FUCKIN' HECK WHY 6 INCH HEELS YA BITCH!! THERES A MAN ON THE FREAKIN' FLOOR YOU DIPSHIT!! I pried the heel away from my hand, looking around more near Alice. Some guys were trying to shove their dicks into her face, jeez. Never come to the bar during rush hour. Well, unless if you're looking for idiots to hook up with. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, the ring. I bet one of those pervs took it...

"Where the f**king hell is my rin--" Alice and me stopped in our stacks when we saw the guy who sat next to me, the guy with really dark hair, holding out a beautiful diamond ring. It had a big diamond in the middle of it, two diamond that were a bit small on the sides of it, gold was holding the thing together, and had two rows of small diamonds at the top and bottom of the ring. It was basically what I imagine every girl wants, one of those big, fancy, expensive diamond rings from the magazines. How did I not see this on her hand?! That's like missing the Queen in town hall! (Do they still have town halls?!)

"Is this what you're looking for? I was going to not say anything but you two seem to be in a struggle." The boy didn't look that much older than me, maybe even the same age as me. His eyes were covered with the thickly red-framed glasses with blue tinted lens, his hair sticking up in odd angles. He only had a backpack which was purple and green, and it looked worn, the leather peeling up slightly. He wore black sweat pants, a black blazer, and a white T-Shirt.

Alice stuttered for a moment, then snatching the ring from his hand, slipping it on her finger. "Thank you," she said "but may I ask you a question?" I glared at her, hitting her side with my elbow before I got up. Alice got up as well. "Why did you give me back my ring?" She asked and I groaned, facepalming about 500 times. You don't f**king ask someone that when they're nice enough to give you it back, oh I don't know, 5 MILLION DOLLAR RING!! It's probably not 5 million dollars but looks like it. STILL YOU DONT F**KING ASK SOMEONE THAT ALICE!

"Umm.. Is that a trick question?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. Okay, so maybe this guy isn't crazy. Alice laughed and shook her head.

"No, I mean, you sound American and if you sold this ring, you'd probably get enough money to buy airplane tickets to a different country and back to America." I felt like slapping Alice in the face and dragging her into a cab by her hair. I would never do that actually, not especially when I just saw her for the first time in 3 years. He chuckled, but his voice was shaky and he sounded nervous. "I am American and I didn't take the ring because, Well because that would be stealing. I don't steal, I may be in a different country but I'm not some thief." He said with fake confidence, It would've been convincing too, but his knuckles were turning white but how hard he was clenching them. "How do we know you're telling the truth." I said bluntly, immediately regretting it by the look on his face.

"My name is Jordan Maron, does my name ring a bell for a serial killer? Thief?" He grinned and I glared at him. "Well Jordan, how should I repay you?" Alice butted in, and I grabbed her by her shirt collar and whispered "you don't have to repay him anything! You don't know him!" She laughed and shook her head, patting my shoulder lightly when I crossed my arms: leave it to Alice to be raped and murdered because of her kindness.

"Oh no. I don't need anything." He replied, shacking his head and then he seemed extremely nervous again. "Are you sure? I bet you don't even know where you're sleeping tonight. I could get you a hotel." Alice said, and the guy seemed to get even more nervous. "That isn't needed ma'am. And I don't know If you two are serial killers." He turned the damn tables! He smiled when I scowled. Of course you use my words against me.

"Aww c'mon mate! Do we look like serial killers?" I questioned.

"I guess you do."

This. f**king. Guy.

"Well then.. I'm Tom Cassel and this is my sister Alice. Recognize that as any serial killers names?" He shook his head in defeat. "I guess not. But I really don't need a hotel I can just.. umm..." I smirked at his loss for words, I suddenly wanted to help this guy out. *dramatic internal gasp* ME, TOM CASSEL, HELPING A RANDOM STRANGER?? Ya shut up. You can only hope someone would do the same for you.

"Aww c'mon, what could go wrong?"

"I get drugged, raped, and killed."

"I don't know what f**ked up neighborhood you live in, but you're not in that kind of place until you reach wayyyy down town. C'mon mate, we really do want to help you out." Alice smiled at my words, she always knows how to pull me into something I didn't originally think was a good idea. He smiled slightly, saying a quiet "sure".

Sorry this is atrocious but I forgot child porn existed and accidentally came across it on Tumblr and had Skykox read the bible for 15 minutes while I cried on the floor.

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