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coming home from a youtube convention, was the most tiring thing ever, and yes, i, hailey robins, was a youtuber, crazy, right?

anyways, as i was saying, after that tiring yet exciting thing called a convention, i was staring at my white ceiling, because it is, in fact, the most interesting thing ever.

so 1 hour later, i am energized as if i drank 699 gallons of water, so i grabbed my keys, and decided to drive around the neighborhood.

yes, my life was very boring, thank you for asking.

as i drove around the neighborhood, i stopped at an almost- empty park, i haven't been there in ages, so why not?

literally, I haven't been there in years.

when, i stepped into the half empty park, i pushed my sunglasses down, hoping no one would notice me.

as i reached the end of the park, i found tree after tree, which lead to the woods.

that looks vaguely familiar.

that's when it clicked, i left something there, something left untouched in years.

so i ran through the familiar woods, finding our old hideout, the opening.

i spotted the opening, and a tear escaped my eye, as my mind ran through the old memories, of the old place.

i ran to it, and grabbed a shovel, one that was always here, and started to dig, until the end of the metal touched the tip of a metal shoebox.

and i grabbed the old box, surrounded by soil, and dusted the square, solid, object that lead me to bringing back my past.

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