Chapter Four

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They finished the sorting and Dumbledore gave a speech. We ate and were given a tour of the castle by our prefect, Percy Weasley.

When we got to a painting of a fat lady we stopped an the picture said, "Password?" Percy said, "Caput Draconis." The picture swung open to show the common room and Percy said, "That is the common room password. Remember it or you won't be able to get in here. Boys dormitory upstairs to the right. Girls same thing on the left. Goodnight everyone."

He left and everyone went rushing to the dormitories while I plopped down on the couch next to the fire. Once there was no first year but me in the common room I went upstairs and found my dormitory. It was empty other than my trunk. I said, "Excellent. No friends," Note the sarcasm, "and my own dormitory." I got into intomy pajamas and crawled into bed.

I was at breakfast the next morning in my big gap and Professor McGonagll came up to me and said, "Ms. Riddle, your schedule," she handed me a piece of paper with my classes on it and left to go give out the rest of the schedules. I had Transfiguration, Potions, lunch, Flying lessons, Defents Againts the Dark Arts, Herbology, and dinner. Easy enough I thought. I headed for Transfiguration.

It was lunch. So far the most enjoyable part was when Snape told Harry off for not paying attention. I was enjoying lunch and the memory when Harry, the red head, and the bushy haired girl aproched me. I said, "What do you want?" I used a very ungreatful tone. He said, "I was wondering if you wanted to study with me, Ron, and, Hermione later." I asked, "Like what friend do?" He nodded. I said, "We're not friends and if you're asking me to be your friend I would say I'd have to think about it. Only because I've never had a friend." Hermione sat next to me and said, "Well I will be your first friend. Hey. Do you have a extra bed in your dormitory? The one I'm in is a little crowded." I said, "Yeah. I'm the only one in their so far, now it will only be the two of us." We enjoyed the rest of lunch together and walked to Flying lessons. When we got there Madam Hooch was waiting. We stood by some brooms on the groud and so did everyone else. Madam Hooch said, "On my wistle you say 'up' until the broom on the ground is in your hand. Got it?" Everyone said yes and she said, "Ok. Three. Two." She blew the wistle and I said, "Up!" It flew into my hand and I waited for everyone else. Once everyone had theirs Hooch said, "On the word 'go' you will swing your right leg over the broom, kick off from the ground hard, hoover for a second, then come back down. Got it? Good. Ready. Go." Neville was hoovering but his broom was out of control so I did the only thing I could think of. I said, "Hold on Neville. I'm gonna get you down." I went right after him and when we were side by side I grabbed the front of his broom but I cound not control them both so I said, "Neville, I'm comin' over." I jumped off my broom onto his and said, "Ok Neville when we are close to the ground I will tell you to jump and you have to jump when I tell you to, got it?" He nodded from behind me and I said, "Here we go." I was flying towards the ground and when we were three feet from it I yelled, "Jump!" He jumped and the broom.went wacko again. I yelled, "I can't stop it!" I was heading straight for the castle and hit it. Then I blacked out.

Harry's POV

Lauren hit the castle on the broom and fell to the ground. Hermione, Ron, Draco, Nevill, I, and the rest of the class ran to her to see if she was ok. She was unconscious and the back of her head was bleeding. I also noticed she had a scar on the right side of her neck that was a D and H overlapping a little(Chapter picture). Neville was saying, "This is all my fault." Hermione was saying, "She got her first friends today and now she might never see them again." Draco was saying, "I hope she's ok." Ron was pacing and I was just staring. Madam Hooch picked her up and brought her to the hospital wing and said, "Class dissmissed"

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