Chapter Two

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Mori stared aimlessly at the clock that seemed to be mocking her, the more she analysed the hands' constant ticking, the slower and more inconsistent they became. The white pristine walls and floors that shone gave her a headache, making her want to dart to the nearest exit. She couldn't hear what the teacher was saying, her words were nothing but nonsense that was coherent to seemingly everyone but her. She watched her mouth carefully, yet still unable to take in any of the teacher's words. Mori didn't like school very much, nor was she very good at it. Her defence consisted of deeming education 'useless' and 'never going to help to in future life' when in reality it was something she could never grasp, but was way too stubborn to ever admit it.

"Mori, do you know what I just asked the class?" The teacher called on her, her eyes gleaming in amusement knowing she found the perfect culprit to pick on. Mori blinked, not even being aware of what subject she was in. She sat up, grateful for the person in the back, holding up the cover to their book and pointed discreetly to the title.
History, she thought, I know jack-shit about History.
Mori cleared her throat, "No Miss. I don't."
It seemed like the teacher had foreseen the answer, an uneasy smile creeping on her face. The teacher in particular was notorious for attitude and lack of filtering her words before she blurted them out.
"We're studying The System, surely you know what that is? Or are you that stupid?" She laughed lightly at her own poor joke, the rest of the class having their mouths gaping open. Students were generally frightened by Mori, she wasn't exactly an approachable person, her constant narrowed eyes she obtained while in school threw people off before getting to know her. She had talked back to teachers before, making everyone anticipate her response.
"Yes. I am fully aware. It's a system that oppresses people from doing what they want, yet no one does anything about it." she didn't want to waste her energy on a rant, answering simply and sitting back in her chair, but her teacher reacted much more dramatically than she had expected. Her eyes shot open in an alarmed fashion, darting from her chair that was placed beside her desk. She dragged it across the floor, a terrible squeaking sound rang through the room, making everyone groan. She stopped once she had it in the corner of the room, equipping a broom and smashing out the security camera. No one dared react, just watching in utter shock. The small machine shattered, tiny pieces of plastic and glass scattering across the lino floor. Mori observed quietly, not being able to comprehend what just happened before her eyes. The teacher clambered down from the chair, tossing the broom aside. She brushed her hands against each-other casually, smiling warmly like it never happened. That's how she remained for the rest of class, calm and collected, but something behind her outside shell was scared and panicked. When the bell rang, Mori was about to leave the class when she was ushered over by the teacher herself.
"Don't you dare talk poorly about the system in my class." She whispered menacingly, "Even if you are Morrigan Heather."

Mori was slightly put off for the rest of the day, left confused and worried after her teacher's warning. She was brought relief by the final bell. She hurried to the leave the school as soon as she could. She was in the middle of the twisting hallways when she felt someone jump up on her back, turning around to meet bright sparkling eyes.
"Hello, Mori! How was your day?" The voice drawled out the words. It was Cass, a girl who Mori saw simply as an acquaintance so she wasn't seen as a complete loner, though she was too bright and perky for Mori's liking.
"Fine," She mumbled, her shoes squeaking against the floor as she tries to hurry away.
"Not so fast!" Cass called, her navy hair flowing behind her. Mori managed to escape by going through a swarm of people, losing her 'friend' amongst the crowd. She was prepared to walk home, but a blond boy waving his arms frantically at her was about to change her plans. Mori groaned inwardly, trying to change her course, but Lucas stood in front of her, smiling happily.
"Mori~" He dragged on slightly laughing, his blue eyes glistening with excitement. Mori simply glanced at him, ashamed to be seen with a guy who looked like he just walked out of a blizzard. He was one who took pride in his appearance, that is, only when his clothes were concerned. His top, shirt, button was undone, his tie (that was knotted incorrectly) hung loosely around his neck. Half of his shirt was tucked in, the other half left poking out annoyingly. She breathed out heavily, keeping her cool, everything that boy did irritated her.
"What. Do. You. Want." Mori hissed, brushing past him, making a bee-line away from him. He jogged after her, not letting her go that easily.
"I want you to meet two of my friends, please? We can go to that coffee shop you really like, I'll pay and all. Pleeeeeease go, pretty please?" He pouted, letting his bottom lip fall, despite his attempts, it didn't make Mori think anymore favourable on the idea.
"If you pay for me, I simply can't refuse, can I?"

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