Out of the Woods

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This is actually incredible! I never thought I would be excited to showcase my songs to Harry. To see that he loves them gives me an even better reason to be happy.

"Ok, the next song is called Out of the Woods," I look at him.

"Sounds interesting. Care to enlighten me about it?"

Hmm. What should I say without giving most of the song away.

"Well, this song is about the fragility of our relationship," I say honestly, "It's about how I was kind of living day-to-day wondering where it was going, if it was going to go anywhere, if it was going to end the next day."

"Yeah I see what you mean. I always thought, even though we had problems, I thought we would push through and be together for a while."

"Maybe we weren't strong enough."

"I believe we are now," he frowns, looking at me.

I don't really know what to say. Of coarse I believe we're strong enough now. I'm just not ready to let him know.

He notices my discomfort and clears his throat.

"Ready to show me your masterpiece, Swift?"

"Of coarse, Styles."

I begin to play Out of the Woods. As the song plays I flashback to moments in our relationship.

We were just lying on his couch, hands and bodies entwined in an embrace. He pulled out his Polaroid camera and showed it to me.

"And where did you get that?" I look up at him.

"Not ashamed to admit it, but my mother got it for me," he grins.

"How cute," I laugh and kiss his cheek.

He turns his head and our lips meet in a kiss filled with passion and love. I didn't even hear or notice the flash of the camera going off.

I turn and look at Harry as he grasps the photograph and shakes it a little so the picture can develop.

The photograph develops in its absolutely beautiful. Us sharing a kiss, wrapped up in each other. We look so in love.

"Wow," he says.

"What is it?"

"It's like we're the only ones that are important. Doesn't it?" He turns and looks at me.

"It's true. It's like we're in colour. Everything else is black and white. It's all irrelevant. Except for us," I say looking up at him.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asks.

"Well I am pretty amazing, aren't I?" I joke.

"Yes you are," he chuckles. "I also have something else for you."

"Harry, I don't need anything else. You're more than enough."

"It's something small." He reaches around his neck and takes of his paper aeroplane necklace and places is it over my head.

"Your necklace? Why?"

"So when I'm away, you'll always have a piece of me. The aeroplane can reach me anywhere and you'll always have me. Ok?" He looks at me with love in his beautiful, green eyes.

"Thank you so much," I tilt my head up and press my lips against his.

We pull away from each other and Harry gets up.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

He extends his hand out to me and I grasp it. He pulls me up, into his arms.

"Would you do me the honour, Ms Swift, of dancing with me?"

"Certainly, Mr Styles," I say in a mock, British accent.

We spin around together, always in sync. He lifts me, which is our signature dance move together. We were literally two paper aeroplanes flying. Flying together in sync and always side-by-side.

I snap out of the flashback as the song finishes. I look over at Harry and can see that his eyes have turned a glossy shade of green. Did it really affect him that much?

"Wow...um, that was...really deep." He says. "Wanna know what I was thinking the entire time?"

"What?" I ask.

"The time when I gave you my necklace," he smiles.

"So was I. Was a great time, wasn't it?" I say. 

"It was. You know I still have that Polaroid."

"Really? I thought you would've gotten rid of it."

"No way. I'll always keep it. Always." He says looking into my eyes.


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