Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My heartbeat pounds in my ears as the streets blur past me in a flash of colours. Whoever these guys are, they aren't going to give up on perusing me. It's clear I won't be able to out run the two men, but maybe I just need to outwit them. I can see the opening to a alley fast approaching and I quickly jump on the escape rout, turning on my feet at the last moment. My plan crumbles under me when I realize I've hit a dead end, caged in by a chain linked fence. I can hear the footsteps coming in fast. Looking up at the only obstacle standing in front of me, I know if I stay here I'll never be able to over power John and his brother. I'm a sitting duck just waiting to be shot, and whatever these guys wanted from me, it defiantly wasn't just to have a nice conversation. I start climbing the fencing as fast as I can. It's the climbing that's fine but when I get to the top, I look down at a drop off no normal person could land without getting badly hurt. But thank god, unlike the usual uncoordinated person, I'd been taking gymnastics for eleven years now and trained for these very things. It was like the high ropes at camp only without the harness, I just had to trust my skills and jump. I'm just trying to balance myself on the top when a voice sounds behind me.

"I think she went down this way!" I hear one of the brothers yell before turning down the narrow alley. John looks up and meets my eyes before signaling to his equal.

"Sam hurry, I found her." So Sam's his name.

"Please Scarlett we don't want to hurt you, just come down so we can talk." Sam speak to me for the first time in such a calm, collected tone it takes me by surprise. I thought such a big guy would have the equal personality that went along with the image. But I guess thats why they always say never judge a book by its cover. I ignore his attempt at changing my mind though as I bend my legs ready to jump.

"Don't do anything stupid." John warns eyeing the long way down. It's to late though and with one last deep breath I spring off the side.

There's a split second of the feeling I'm flying as I twirl and spin towards the ground, doing a little flip just for good measure, and maybe to show of a little too. I land without even a stumble in my step and I smile back at the shocked looking brothers with pride and confidence.

John eyes the fence but he must know he won't have the same luck I did because he swears under his breath. "Go around, go around!" He commands pointing back out towards the busy streets and I take that as my cue to leave. I run into a nearby department store in hopes to stay hidden. Unfortunately it's the one place in the world they have to go. I manage to duck behind a display of perfume bottles before I finally hear their deep voices echo through the store.

"I can't believe we lost her. We've tracked down monster and demons but we can't catch one little girl." John rants in frustration. "We need to figure out who brought her back, and why." Brought me back?

"Dean you don't think the angels did this, do you?" Sam clearly directs the question towards John but calls him Dean. I knew that couldn't have been his real name.

"I don't know what to think maybe, she's just another case. We could just be dealing with a zombie here." Dean says in a whispers as they walk past a group of costumers. Not only were these guys persistent, I'm also pretty sure they should be tested for being critically insane. I mean I know I woke up in a grave but couldn't someone come up with a more logical explanation then the walking dead.

"We just need to secure the perimeter. She couldn't have gotten to far." Sam explains as they head towards the aisle I was standing in the middle of. I flee to the door in panic and tumble out onto the street. I try to hide behind my knotted hair as it hangs duly in my face. But with my pulse rising in fear, its hard to keep my pace at a normal speed without looking a little suspicious. Luckily I don't here any signs of work boots hitting the solid pavement, but that's my first mistake.

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