1 - In which Lucifer falls

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Cold. Grey. Bare. The room was hardly furnished and the hard bed was hardly welcoming. The girl who sat on it could well have been just an instalment as well, for she moved as much as one.

This is Lucie. She was not always called Lucie, but we will call her Lucie. She doesn't know what her name used to be, just that her parents gave it to her, and that she lost it.

Not just her name, but also the safety they gave her by putting her here.

'A flair for dramatics,' they used to say. 'She loves to write.'

Lucie knew that what had happened to Maddy was not just 'dramatics.' She knew that one day, people would need to know about it, about them. This was important.

That's what she kept telling herself. You got Maddy there, so you'll be fine.

Of course, she knew that Maddy's circumstances had been different. They hadn't wanted her there. She was there for Newt and Newt only. But Maddy was gone. Too little, too late.

Lucie wasn't all that sure how she could remember these things. She remembered Lucie, and WICKED, and her parents leaving her here, but nothing else. She remembered, in other words, all the bad things.

It was torture. Maybe that was what they had wanted. Why don't we just kill her now? they would have said. Why send her there?

She was well aware why they were sending her there. Torture beyond belief, to watch the fall of all the boys she had grown to know and love, but without realising it was them.

Her head jerked up and her limp hair stuck to her cheeks. The small door clicked open and a girl came in. She looked to be no more than thirteen, with big brown eyes and dark skin that seemed to shine in the dank room.

She raised her eyes to Lucie and gave her a weak smile. "You have to go and-" The girl hesitated, "You have to go and y'know, the injections."

"I have to go and forget." Lucie's voice sounded unusually hard and low in the tiny room and the bed frame creaked as she rose. She was not tall, but she could still see the guards outside the other prisoners' doors.

As they walked out she looked over at the prisoner in the opposite cell. He was a young man, and his head rest in his hands as he furiously stamped on the floor. "Out, OUT, OUT!" He shrieked as they walked past. "MADDY GET OUT!"

Lucie's head whipped round at that. "What did you say about Maddy?"

But the man was already knocked out, a guard still pointing a smoking dart gun at him.

"We have to go." The girl pulled at Lucie's sleeve. "They're already unhappy with you, please let's go."

Lucie only nodded and moved on. As the door marked 'INDUCTIONS' came into sight, Lucie stopped and looked at her companion.

"Are you going into the glade?" she asked. The girl nodded, "Group B. Eden. My sister'll be in yours though. Harriet. Look after her... Please?" It was all Lucie could do to nod slowly as Eden opened the door for her.

She sat in the chair as doctors circled round her. As the first needle pinched her arm, she closed her eyes and exhaled. Let it go. You're going somewhere else. Be calm.

"Subject A21. The fallen angel. Goodbye Lucifer."

Her eyes snapped open but immediately drifted shut again as sleep claimed her body and she slipped out of consciousness.

A/N Thank you (: I recommend that you read Questions first if you haven't already. The rest of the book will be started in September or October so look out for it pleasee Thanks again

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