3 - In which we learn our name

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The light was harsh and bright, making her squint. As the images became clearer, she could make out things. Trees, huts, a few goats. Nothing seemed familiar enough to recognise and yet there was this sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as if something just wasn't quite right. As if there was just one tiny detail that threw the whole scene of kilter.

And then, looking up, she realised. Only realised, not recognised, the walls that encased her. They seemed to act like a coffin, closing her off from anything outside and as she slowly turned, taking it in, she began to find it harder and harder to breathe.

Her breaths came short, fast, like she was addicted to something in the air that she just couldn't quite get enough of, that there could never be enough of this aliveness to sustain her for long enough. Her vision started blurring as she felt her limbs begin to shake. Raising her hand in front of her, she couldn't tell if she was shaking, or the walls, or both.

Darkness descended and the last thing she felt was a small thud as she fell.


Groggily, she opened her eyes. Searching for a point to focus on, she began to push herself up off the bed she was now in and find something to look at. There was nothing. All around her she could see logs and twigs, sticking haphazardly all over the place, with an opening in one wall and a roof the curved upwards, also made of wood.

It all seemed strangely ordinary, almost homely. But then she remembered the walls, the all encompassing walls that seemed to be monsters in themselves, poised to attack at any given point. Soldiers at the command of something so, so much bigger than she could ever begin to imagine.

Slowly she began to ease herself round to the side of the bed until her legs stuck of it, and she began to push herself up. The bed creaked, like it was old, or used all too often.

She stumbled a little, placing her hand on the hard bark that held the roof up.

"Alright there?" A smiling boy stood in the doorway, "I'm Clint. How are ya feeling?"

"O- I'm okay." The girl took in more time to survey the parts of the room that she couldn't see before and noticed another opening with a bed. And a boy in it.

"Who's that?" She hated how shaky her voice sounded but something just felt wrong. "What's wrong with him?"

Clint trained his eyes on the bed, and this time he spoke in small whispers. "That's Newt. He did something bad. There are things inside his head, weird things we can't get out. But he's gonna be fine." The light tone of his voice did nothing to lessen the shock.

What had this boy done? What was inside his head? Did it happen to everyone here?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a scream echoing inside her head. Looking up, she saw the boy was still asleep, but screaming.

And then he started to talk.

"No more girl. Bad girl. Not getting out."

And then he said the worst part yet.

"Kill Lucie," before slumping back into his bed, eyes still glued shut, breathing heavy.

"That's you isn't it? That's your name," she could hear the accusation in Clint's voice.


A/N I'm sorry this is a terrible chapter, I will redo it later, but onwards! Thank you and please continue to read, vote and comment.
-Katie x

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