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"Im Headed Straight For The Castle,
They Wanna Make Me Their Queen"


Nineteen Years... I've lived in Australia for nineteen years. After graduation Ashton, Calum, Michael and I decided we should move onto the next stage in our lives. That we should all move out together. We spent a while looking for the right place, We wanted to move somewhere quiet but not isolated. We found a quiet place in Oregon that was perfect. Today was the day we were going to leave with our stuff and move in. We flew over and took a bus the rest of the way. The weird thing was that they told us that no buses go into that part of Oregon so we had to walk from the closest bus stop. The walk wasn't long but we were in a wasteland like place at night which wasn't very fun.
"How long more?" Michael whined. "Not long. I can see lights from the city" Ashton stated. "Why the hell didn't any buses go into this city?" Calum questioned. "I don't know man" I sighed hurrying up the pace.
After 30 minutes of walking we finally reached the city. We were staying in an apartment on the outskirts. We were on the tenth floor. It had an amazing view of the city which is one of the reasons we chose this place. I hit the button for the tenth floor. As we entered as our eyes widened at the size of the apartment. It was a huge apartment with four bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and and a coat closet thing. We all wondered how we got this place at such a good price.
After hours of setting up all our stuff, we decided to take a break. "This place is amazing!" Michael yelled. "Michael, you are yelling!" Ashton complained. "This place is amazing" I looked around at the apartment with all our stuff set up. "Look at our awesome castle." Calum smiled. "We should go check out the city tomorrow." Ashton said heading towards his bedroom. "Definitely." We all headed towards our bedrooms to got to sleep. I was thinking about our new life here. How we have started again. With that I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to Michael poking me. "Fûck off!" I groaned. "Get up. We're heading into the city" he explained. I got out of bed, got dressed and we headed out. "How about we got to the grocery store and buy some food" Ashton suggested. We all just nodded and started walking.
Ashton gave us a list each of what to get. We decided to split up and find them ourselves.
I was looking for pizza, I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran straight into someone. We both landed on the floor. "Oh god I'm sorry" I apologised helping them up. It was a girl. She had long blue hair. "It's okay" she said starting to walk off. "Um... Do you know where I can find the pizzas?" I asked. She turned around and looked straight at me. "Third aisle" she shrugged. "I'm Luke" I stated. "I'm Amber" she replied. She didn't smile at all. "Are you originally from here or...?" I asked. "Um... I've always lived here" she replied in an tone as if it was obvious. "I'm sorry again for running into you" I apologised again. She just shrugged in response. "I'll see you around". She didn't look happy at all as she walked of with her bag in her hand.
I eventually found the pizzas. I found everything on the list and met the rest of the guys. "You got everything?" Ashton asked. "Yeah" I replied. "Everyone here seems sad" Calum stated. "Yeah. I ran into a girl, I think her name was Amber? And she was really sad and bland" I stated. "Weird" Michael shrugged. I was looking around when I saw that girl again. She was at the check out buying cigarettes and tiny liquor bottles. Carrying a bag that said Balenziaga under the logo. I never smoked. I hated the idea of it. Calum smoked and he knew I hated it, but he did it anyways. I watched her pay and walk off. "Luke" I heard Ashton say. He nudged my shoulder and I saw they paid. "Oh sorry" I started walking towards the exit. When we got outside Calum pulled out a cigarette and put it in between his lips. He felt around his pockets, searching for his lighter. "Well shît" he sighed. "Forgot my lighter. Maybe she has one" he said walking over to a girl smoking,leaning against the wall. It was that girl Amber.

Amber P.O.V

"Hey... Um... Do you have a light?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw a guy holding a cigarette between his lips. He was pretty hot. "Um... Yeah" I pulled my lighter out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Thanks" he smiled, lighting his cigarette. He handed back and leaned against the wall beside me. "What's your name?" He asked taking a drag from the cigarette. "Amber" I shrugged. "I'm Calum" he extended a hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and looked over at a group of guys looking at us. I saw the guy that ran into me. He pointed towards us and said something to the guy beside him that was wearing a bandana. "Sorry about them" Calum said. I just shrugged. "You're a very mysterious person" Calum stated. "Maybe one day I'll become a mystery myself" I blandly replied. "You're interesting Amber. I want to get to know you more. How about we hang out sometime". Fûckboy alert. "Usually people don't like girls like me" I shrugged. "What do you mean?" He looked confused. "Someone told me it was a turn off when you smoke cigarettes and never smile" I shrugged. "That just makes you more interesting" he smiled. Smiled, that's something I haven't done in a while. "So... You wanna hang out?" "When?" "Now." "Sure". I threw my cigarette on the ground and crushed it with my sneaker. He did the same and we headed towards his group of friends. I saw the blonde guy look at me and smile. "Guys, this is Amber" Calum introduced. "We met already" Blondie explained. "Hey pizza boy" I said. "Hey blue hair" he joked. "Oh how original" I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and started walking. "I'm Ashton" the one with the bandana smiled. "Hi I'm Michael" the one with the dark blue hair greeted. "I like your hair" he complimented. "Thanks. I like yours too" I replied. "Thanks. I really need a change though" he smiled. "Maybe, red" I replied looking at his hair. "That would actually be pretty cool. Thanks" he nodded. We started walking towards their place. Michael and I talked the whole way there. He was pretty cool. He told me about his hair colours he's had and I told him about mine. "I like how you have a bit of yellow in your hair. It looks awesome" he complimented. "Thanks" I replied.
A few minutes later we arrived at there apartment. "Make yourself comfortable" Luke smiled at me. I just looked away and leaned against the table. "So why did you guys move into this apartment. More space?" I questioned. "Oh no. We wanted to move away from our original city and decided this place was perfect" Ashton smiled. "What?!" I yelled. "What's wrong" they looked concerned. "You guys have made a big mistake moving here" I informed them. "What do you mean?" Michael questioned. "You're not able to leave once you enter"

Michael P.O.V

"You're not able to leave once you enter"
"What?!" I yelled. This is bullshit, of course we can leave, that's crazy. "Bullshit" Luke yelled. "I've been here my whole life. Don't you think I wanted to leave?! But I can't because I'm trapped here! Just. Like. You" she stated. "What's so wrong with this place that you wanted to leave?" I asked calmly. "Everything from drug dealers to murderers. There are some here who I love, some who fear me and some who want me dead. I was born into this shît and there's no escape". She wasn't lying. She was telling the truth. I know it. "How is there NO escape?" I asked. The road that leads into this city is endless. You can enter but you can't leave. You try to follow the road out, you are led straight into the city again. Why do you think no buses come into the city?" She explained. "This is crazy" Ashton said putting his head in his hands. "It is crazy. But it's true" "we're all fûcked" "Be careful here. You don't wanna end up like..." She didn't end the sentence. "Like who?" "Like Ashley" "who's Ashley?". "My only friend who went missing after she tried to leave. I've been searching for her for the past few months" she looked upset. "Amber, I'm sorry" I pulled her in for a hug. "Don't be sorry yet, I don't want people's pity. She's not dead. She's still out there. I know it. Just make sure not to try to leave" she looked up at me. "We won't" Luke insured. She walked away from me and stood in front of the four of us. "What is this place?" Ashton questioned.

"These are the BADLANDS"


First chapter is up! Im really enjoying this one <3
I'm just ssooooo excited for badlands (album).
Did you get the new Americana reference? XD

Badlands||5SOSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang