Hold Me Down

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"I Sold My Soul To A Three-Piece
And He Told Me I Was Holy
He's Got Me Down On Both Knees
But It's Devil That's Tryna


The Badlands
I hate saying the name of this disgusting place. When I say it all I can think of is people getting high on the roof tops and people getting wasted underground. The people are just like this place. Disgusting. There are more drug dealers than civilians. If this were a movie, we would have a hero watching over us. Saving us. But this isn't a movie and there is no hero. We're all trapped with no escape.
"The badlands?" Ashton questioned. I just nodded, not wanting to say it again. "This is just so fûcking strange" Calum sighed. "How did you guys even find this place? It's been off the map for years?" I was curious on how they found this place. "There was an ad on some website that said it was just a beautiful, quiet town in sunny Oregon, I guess that wasn't the case" Luke replied. He looked generally upset, I feel really bad for them. "No wonder it was so cheap" Michael stated. "This city is weird" Ashton groaned. "You should see it at night" I sighed. "What's it like then?" "Even more strange. But it's amazing. Don't go out at night if you are new. It'll be a big mistake". If they went out without knowing anything about this city, they would be fûcked. "Okay" they sighed. I thought for a while about bringing them out tonight. I was going anyway. Maybe it would be good way to show them how terrible this city could be. "I could bring you guys out tonight, if you want?" I offered. They all looked at each other and then at me. They all nodded. "Okay I'll see you tonight then. I'll come here. DON'T leave this apartment if I'm not with you" I walked out and headed back to apartment. When I entered I went to get ready for tonight. I went into my closet and took a box from the back of the highest shelf. I took out the cold object from the box and examined it. I haven't held it in months. Last time I did I was with Emma. I need to find her. This was the only way. I love the feeling of holding this in my grip. Emma thought I looked hot when I held it. I guess she found guns interesting.

Ashton P.O.V

"Why shouldn't we leave the apartment?" Calum asked. "I don't know, but I'm just gonna trust her on this" I replied. It was 10:30 and the sun had gone down. I heard knocking at the door. I opened the door to see Amber. "Hey" I said inviting her in. She entered the apartment and I closed the door. I saw a gun in one holster and a knife in the other. But why does she need them? She must of noticed me staring. "I'm gonna need them" she shrugged. "What?!" I yelled. "If we're gonna get through this, we're gonna need to protect ourselves" she explained. "Why the hell would we need to protect ourselves?!" Michael asked. "Didn't I already tell you about this city? The murderers, the junkies, alcoholics? Did you listen at all?" She yelled. "This is a mistake. We can't do this" I mumbled. "Fine. Whatever" she said walking out. "I wanted to go" Calum said. "Me too" Luke added. "Go then. But there is a chance you won't be coming back" Michael yelled. "Mikey, calm down" I said trying to calm him down. "No I won't, not if my friends gonna go out and possibly die out there!" He was really angry now. "Michael, this is our choice. We want to find out what's up with this town, with or without you" Calum stated. "And I'm with him" Luke said. "Just go then. Don't make this harder on us" Michael muttered. With that, they stood up and left. We were unsure if we were ever going to see them again.

Luke P.O.V

"Did we make a mistake?" I asked Calum. "No. This is our choice. I want to help Amber and I know you do too" he answered. "Let's catch up with her then" I said starting to run. When we got on the street we looked around to see if we could still catch up. In the distance, I could see her blue hair. "C'mon she's over this way" I pulled Calum in her direction. When we caught up with her I tapped her shoulder. She turned around, a gun pointing at my head. I stumbled back and fell to the ground. "Oh it only you guys" she said putting the gun in its holster. "So you decided to come after all" she raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, we want to help you" Calum shrugged. "I don't need help" she whispered. "Yes you do I know it. You need help to find your friend" I said. "1. Keep your voice down and 2. Her name was emma" she stated. She seemed upset, but determined. "Well, let's go then" with that, she walked off
Gun shots and foot steps. That's all I heard. Amber was in front of us leading the way. She was running at a very quick pace which made it hard for us to keep up. We reached a tall tower and she pushed open the door. "Stairs or elevator?" She asked. "Elevator" I answered. She pressed the button and the doors opened. We entered and she pressed the button for the top floor. "You ready?" She asked. I just nodded and Calum shrugged. She held out a knife, indicating for me to take it. I took it and put it in my back pocket. She handed Calum another one and he held it tight in his hand.
"Will we really need this?" He asked. "Maybe. It's just in case" she simply answered.

Amber P.O.V

Calum seemed nervous. It was weird, since I've never brought anyone out... Ever. The doors opened and I entered the very large meeting room. There was a long table with dozens of chairs around it. The surrounding walls were all glass so you can look over the city. I walked over and looked out. I could see the supermarket where I first met them, their apartment and my apartment. The city was lit up in neon lights and the people looked like ants. All the lights were all different colours. Pinks, blues, whites and all other ones. This city was beautiful from a distance but disgusting up close. I looked around for the place I was looking for. Luke walked up beside me and looked at me. "Why are we here?" He asked. "You guys sure do ask a lot of questions" I sighed. He chuckled and Calum walked up beside him. "We're looking for a large building that is mostly made of glass" I explained. "Okay" they said facing towards the glass. A few minutes of looking and I found it. "There it is" I said pointing towards it. They nodded and we started to walk back to the elevator. The three of us walked in and the doors shut. I pressed the button and the elevator started to descend. Half way to the bottom, the elevator suddenly came to a halt. "Shít" I mumbled. "Hey, can you guys try open that door?" I asked. They both nodded and walked over to the door starting to push them open. The doors opened and all that was there was a concrete was and a 500 metre drop. I shook my head in frustration. I looked up and closed my eyes trying to think of a plan. When I opened my eyes I saw a hatch on the roof. I tapped Luke's shoulder and pointed at the hatch. He shrugged, put his hands on my hips and boosted me up. I pushed open the hatch and Luke threw me up. I caught on and pulled myself up. I took out my gun and aimed it at one of the cords holding the elevator up. I shot one and the cords snap causing the elevator to fall a few metres. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain. This time I held onto something and shot. The elevator fell again but this time it kept falling and falling until it reached the bottom. I held on as tight as I could and closed my eyes preparing for pain to hit but it never did. I opened my eyes to see the elevator hanging from one cord. The cord was slowly breaking. "Guys! Open the door, hurry!" I yelled. They quickly pushed the doors open and excited quickly. The elevator fell and I jumped towards the opening. My hands just about reached the ledge. Calum put out a hand for me to grab and I did. He pulled me up and I stood up. "Thanks" I said looking at him. "No problem" he shrugged. "Well that was an adrenaline rush" Luke panted. "Yeah. That's how my life feels everyday" I mumbled. "Lucky you" he smiled. "No, not really" I muttered under my breath.

As we quickly ran along the sidewalk I noticed the glass building was only about 100 metres away. I ran up to the door and pushed it open. I ran up the stairs, not risking the elevator again. I looked at the apartment numbers and saw it.
Apartment 94
Ashley's apartment. I jiggled the handle but the door wouldn't open. I shot the lock and kicked the door open. The apartment was a mess. It looked like someone had broken in. "What the hell?" Calum mumbled. I looked in the bedroom and bathroom. Nothing was there. When I walked into the living room I saw something written on the wall in blue spray paint.

You threw me in the deep end and watched me drown

What the hell?
"Why didn't you and this girl just stay in each other's company and not get in shït like this?" Luke asked.
"Oh dear Lucas, you should know that nobody can hold me down"

Hope you guys liked this chapter <3 I enjoyed writing it XD

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