Chapter 1

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I finally updated. :) This is the start of season 2 and I think I've got most of this season planned out so the updates should be fast enough.
please vote and comment. Any constructive critisism is welcome but please dont be mean about it.

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It had been a few days since Derek had sneaked into her room. He had left her with a lot to think about. He had told her everything, and by everything? She meant everything. He told her about the werewolves, hunters, and not to mention, the on going war between them. He told her all about what Scott and Stiles have been up this is year too. That part hurt to hear, but she hadn't stopped him from telling her. He went on to tell her about how dangerous it was with the hunters, and not to mention on the night of the full moon. It was enough to turn anyone off at the fantasy of being a werewolf.

But then he told her all of the good parts to it. She would be stronger, she'd be able to fight back for once. She wouldn't have to ever be admitted to the hospital and put through the shame of knowing that her own father had put her here again. Derek would help her learn to defend herself, and he would keep her safe. Safe. Now that was a word that she didn't hear often, now was it? She hadn't believed him at first, but then he held her hand and looked her right in the eyes when he promised that no matter what, if she got the bite or not, that he would make sure personally that no one would put her in the hospital again. He couldn't promise that her dad would never touch her, no one could promise her that, but it was enough.

She had called Derek the next night and he had come in once visiting hours were over and there was no chance of anyone seeing them. He came in and explained how the bite was going to work. He said that he would be biting her side, and it had made her worried when he said that to her. He told her that he wouldn't look at anything that he shouldn't be looking at. She trusted him in the end and she stripped down out of her hospital gown so she was left in her bra and panties and she let him bite her side. It had hurt, and she had had to fight back a scream of pain, but soon it was over and he was lifting her up off of the floor in his arms. He then tucked her back into the hospital bed and covered her up with her sheets. He had only stayed until he knew for a fact that she was accepting the bite and sleeping away in her hospital bed. By morning, she woke up to see that he was gone.

So here she currently stood the next morning, standing in front of her room's mirror in just her bra and panties as she was twisting around to get a better look at her side. The bite that Derek had given her was no longer there. It was like it had never been there to start with at all, but she knew better then to believe that it had all been just a dream. Along with the bite, her bruises were all gone as well. She had no more scrapes and marks that told of her beatings. She knew that they were gone, but she would always feel them there. She knew, and that was enough for her to see herself as the ugly girl covered in bruises. She had, and she would always, see herself as that girl.

She was pulled away from her thoughts at the sound of arguing outside of her room. She sighed and rolled her eyes upon hearing Stiles' voice. He and Scott had been to her room every second that they could be, or at least when they weren't at school or Scott wasn't with Allison and Stiles wasn't outside of Lydia's own hospital room. She usually just pretended to sleep when they came inside, and she knew now that Scott always knew that she wasn't sleeping. She just didn't want to see them, not after finding out the truth about their lies to her and of course, not to mention the fact that she partly blamed them a little bit. Scott knew that she was in trouble, she knew that he did, but he still had done nothing. He had still gone about with his day like normal, as if she wasn't real.

She could hear him clearly now. It felt like he was in the room right with her, and she couldn't help but feel annoyed by it. He wasn't alone, and she knew right away that he was with Isaac out in the hall. She felt her heart skip a beat upon realizing that it was Isaac. Like with Stiles, she could hear him just as clearly. She could smell him too, and if she had thought that he smelled good before? She hadn't known what she was missing. His own scent smelled simply amazing to her, and she couldn't get enough of it. His voice didn't annoy her either, it actually did the opposite of annoying her. It soothed her, calmed her nerves almost. She didn't feel like tearing off anyone's head when he spoke.

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