Chapter 6: The Underground Side Effects

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Chapter 6: The Underground Side Effects

•Crystal's P.O.V:

Ghost is staying here for a while. That makes me happy.

Once dinner is over we all go to bed. Where I have nightmare after nightmare.

*NIGHTMARE. Day of arrival at the asylum*

I thrash on the gurney they have me tied to. "She tried to kill me!!" I scream but no one listens.

Fucking bitch cut my wrists and made me swallow those pills. She even tried to slit my neck, I fought back so instead there's a mark on temple. So it's my word against hers.....

I don't stop thrashing until we get to the giant, shitty looking white building.

My heart then stops, "I'm not crazy I swear!" I blurt out and one of the nurses looks at me, "Yeah right!" He says as we enter the building.

The nurses sign some paperwork then untie me from the gurney.

A different, but larger male comes over to me and simply picks me up.

I kick as hard as I can and I scream so loud I think my lungs might be bleeding.

He takes me up two flights of stairs, down a hallway and throws me into a room.... Or cell.

"There's clothes on the bed. Get changed," he says before leaving. At least I get privacy.

I look at the bed, where I find: white pants, white underwear, a white bra, a white long sleeved dress, white ankle high socks, and white vans.

Once I get the stuff on I look at my shoes, then I look at the white nurses shoes.

I poke my head out of the cell, "Excuse me?" I ask nervously. "Is anyone there? I have a question," I say as I poke my head back in.

In a few minutes this nurse comes in, "Yes love?" She asks. Wow.... She's actually being nice to me so far.

"Would it be alright if I just kept my shoes?" I ask looking at my white high top converse. They each have a Black Veil Brides Pentagram on the outsides.

The nurse looks at them and nods, "Don't tell Jason I did this. But you may. I'll be your nurse while you stay here," she says.

"Thank you," I mumble as I put my 'regular clothes' and my bag in the drawer underneath my bed.

"Let me tell you how things work here," my nurse says sitting next to me on the bed, "Morning roll call is at 6, breakfast is at 7, free time is at 8-9, 10 is chores, 11-12 is lunch, 1-3 is free time, 5 is gym, 6-7 is dinner, 8 is showers and 9 is lights out," she says and I look out my barred window. At least my window is in the back and faces the woods.

After a few days I got used to the schedule. And I got to know a few other people that were here. These are the ones that liked me;

There was Derek, 12 year old child onset schizophrenic. He's so sweet, he's got green eyes and brown curly hair. He thought I was his big sister Claire. Bless his heart.

And Maggie, 30 year old, severe paranoia, Down syndrome, and awful night terrors. Sure she was delayed a little, but the pictures she could draw. I swear a few of them came to life. And her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen.

And Lucas. Birth name was Demetri. Gender disorder(transgender) and severe anxiety. His parents thought it was a phase at first, but then when they realized it wasn't, they thought he was some kind of monstrosity. So they sent him here. He gives the best advice.

Then there was Olive. 15 years old and she has Did(dissociative identity disorder) or MPD(multiple personality disorder) as some call it. She was severely abused when she was very young. Her altars are; Gina🚺(who's shy and doesn't front much), Leo🚹(he's a bit obnoxious but is still nice and fronts the most), Xavier🚹(he's sweet and caring), and Harper🚺(she's the comedian/jokester).

And I might as well add the bully.

Seth. 34, 6' 4", 220lbs, major OCD, severe Psychosis. I swear he hates everyone. His OCD makes it so that if something isn't perfect, or goes his way, he gets violent, very violent. You have an imperfection? He'll find it and point it out. I attempt to avoid him at all costs, but he always finds me.

And the head nurse. Jason. Or head asshole as I call him(HAH for short). When someone misbehaves he doesn't put them in the corner. He whips them. The only reason I have so many gashes on my back is because I'd usually take the punishment for my friends. Especially Derek.

To me, it was worth it.

I wake up. Tears pouring from my eyes. At least my nurse was nice enough to give me all my friends' phone numbers.

I sit up, and I wipe the tears from my face. My bracelets scratch my cheek in the process. Should I have taken them off by now? Probably. Will I? Maybe.

I look at my digital clock, 2:14am. Sleep is apparently impossible.

I grab my phone off of my nightstand and I go downstairs and through the backdoor into the backyard.

I lay down on the grass. And something triggers a memory.

The Underground. At least that's what we called it. At the asylum, not everything that happened was so obvious. If they took you Underground, may whatever god or gods you prayed to have mercy on your soul.

You know asylums in horror movies? How there's rooms that the nurses would probe the patients, poke at their innards and torture them. This asylum had it.

When people would come back from The Underground, they were just never the same. Sometimes their 'side effects' were minor, like a random eye twitch. But, sometimes their side effects were major, they just weren't themselves.

My side effect? Severe.

I then have something I haven't had for a while. I have a seizure.

•Ghost's P.O.V:

I wake up, and there's a breeze coming through my widow. I get up to close the window, when I see Crystal laying on the grass in the backyard, her body violently trembling.

I don't bother to put a shirt on before racing downstairs and outside to her.

"Crystal?" I ask panicked as I check her for a pulse. Which I find.

When I put my hand on her neck, it's cold. So I pick her up, and I carry her inside. Where I lay her down on the couch.

I cover her with the heavy blanket that's on the back of the couch.

I quickly run into the kitchen and I hear up some water the microwave.

Once it's warm, I put it into a mug and I bring it over to Crystal. And I coax her to drink it.

Once at least half of it is gone her body temperature comes back up.

I caress her cheek and she smiles at me, "Thank you Devin," she says softly.

I kiss her forehead, "No problem sweetheart," I say as she pats the couch.

"Want me to lay with you?" I ask her and she nods her head.

I slide underneath her, and she snuggles into my chest.

I just smile. She's so perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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