Part 2 - Cole

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I lowered my gun and suppressed a heartfelt sigh. Half of this job was now completed, I needed to get the other half underway before I could actually relax. I resisted the urge to glance out the window. I already knew they were watching - they had been for weeks.  I returned my gun to its holster - it was a standard edition and my personal favourite, the special ammunition it came with did hurt either. 

I walked over to where Casey had crumpled. I bent to check her pulse then smiled in satisfaction. I lifted her into my arms, gently cradling her petite figure close to my chest then walked into the bathroom - the only room on this whole floor the persons observing her couldn't see into without scaling the walls. Against the advice of myself and several other person Casey had opted to rent a large, uptown condo complete with floor to ceiling windows.   

She loved space and light and watching the sun rise to light up the city the few mornings she actually woke up in own home gave her a measure of peace she couldn't find anywhere else. In her bathroom I worked quickly and carefully to remove any evidence of what had taken place here.  I covered her partially with one of her blankets and braced myself to tell any inquisitive neighbour that she had fainted before walking right the hell out of her building with her in my arms.  

I called her mother myself later. Telling her how Case had gone down bravely in the line of duty. I made sure she was aware that Casey's body wouldn't be available to the family but the agency would take care of her memorial service. Her mother's grief had almost broken me - almost. But there was no way I could tell Linda what had really happened.  I hung up after I told her I keep in touch, I felt like I was invading her privacy.  

Despite the situation I couldn't help but love the woman who had single-handedly raised Casey and her two brothers. Casey as a woman on her own was a handful and he couldn’t imagine what raising the teenage version of her. Linda had been kind enough to envelop me into her family the very first time she had met me. 

The rest of the day passed uneventfully but I still couldn’t put Casey or Linda’s grief out of my mind.

 The game I was playing was a risky one but I knew it would work out for the best in the end. I knew Casey and I knew for sure she would never forgive herself if she had been the cause of her mother’s death.  

At 9:15 p.m. exactly 24 hours since I had pulled that trigger I walked into the bedroom that I had been assigned to use in case of emergencies. I walked over to the bed where I had placed Casey. She looked so beautiful. Her shiny, black hair was fanned out on the pillow behind her. Her features were relaxed and unguarded. It made her look a startlingly beautiful, almost dream-like and it made my heart race. 

The question of the texture of her skin had haunted me ever since the day I had laid eyes on her. I gave in to the temptation. I touched her cheek, gently brushing a stray strand behind her ear. Her skin felt like satin, it was just as soft as it looked. I stepped back and regarded her carefully, letting the full weight of my suppressed emotions rush through me. 

There was no doubt within my mind. I loved this woman. I loved her completely. 

Somewhere along the line she had wormed her way into my heart and I knew she’d be there forever.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The whole room smelled like her, like warm honey, lilacs and something I had never been able to identify that was uniquely Casey.

 I sighed then left the room, closing the door behind me. There was no use sighing over something that could never be.                                                     

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