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It was a very different day. Dad wasn't home when I came home after school on a Saturday.
Mummy was busy in the kitchen. I sat on the sofa and started watching pogo.

"Riya is that you? How was school today?" Mummy inquiried.

"School was boring as usual. And we have parents-teachers meet on Monday." I replied.

"Oh okay I will be there and probably your dad won't be able to make it" as soon as mummy uttered those words I felt very relieved.
I didn't like dad coming to school. He always acted like he didn't care. He was unlike my friends dad's. Infact I never like the way dad behaves with me. He is different from the rest of the family. He does not ask how my school went, he does not scold me when I fall, he does not force me to eat when I don't, he just does not care.

I remember the last time mummy was sick she made dad attend the parent-teacher meet. He behaved so differently and yelled at me even though my grades were good. All my friends told me it was probably because I was adopted. I cried myself to sleep that day.

And when mummy found out she promised that I wasn't adopted and it's probably because dad was having a bad time. But whatever the reason, I am glad that he wouldn't make it this time.


The day just passed by without anything new. I went to play with my friends and my 7 year old sister as usual and mummy was cooking and looking after my 3 year old brother.

In the evening my dad's sister came over and took my sister and brother to my uncle's house. She invited me and I rejected as usual. Everybody knew I could never sleep alone without mummy even though I was nine years old.

Mummy made chapatti and egg burji for dinner that night. I wanted to tell her I didn't want to eat egg but I decided not to and I noticed that she was only feeding me, she never ate. Mummy always waited until dad came home. And they'd eat together.

It was ten. Dad always would be home by nine.

Mummy told me to sleep when I refused she lay down besides me. After a few minutes I heard a man talk. I turned to see mummy but she was not in bed. That's when I realized I'd fallen asleep.

A couple of minutes later I heard her voice too. She was asking that man about something with a very scared tone. I switched on the light and went downstairs to see who it was.

Mummy was crying and talking to an uncle who would be in dad's office everytime.

"How do you know it was him?" Mummy asked

"He was drunk so I came to drop him home when he reached the gate he said he will manage on his own and sent me. I went half way and came back to make sure he was fine. That's when I Saw him going there" that uncle replied with pain in his eyes.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Mummy asked crying.

"He was already inside by then"

"Sho-show me th-the house" mummy said.

The uncle and mummy went out. I wondered how they didn't notice me at all. Or maybe they ignored me.

I followed mummy and that was when she turned back and yelled at me to get back home. I was scared. I started crying and sat outside, too scared to go back home.

I saw mummy and uncle go to a neighbour's house. They did not come out for a very long time.

By then my grandpa came out and asked why I was sitting out. I told him everything. He took me inside along with him.

After a long time mummy came back. She was crying very loud and screaming at my dad who was following her. He was shouting at her too. He had blood on his knuckles. The uncle who came home earlier was not there.

Grandpa came to the hall and asked what was going on.

Mummy said "he went to another women's house. He has an affair"

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