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It had been about a week now. About a week since you played tonsil hockey with one of the most beautiful men you had ever met. Sure you were scared out of your brains, but as the days passed the more you seemed to remember his touch.. the way he looked at you with those fierce eyes. Yes, you're an exorcist, you're supposed to despise the Noah.. right? Well trust me, you tried and tried. But to no avail, you were stuck. Yes, he was a cheeky brat, one who could read your thoughts. You felt weak when he would read them, you're so different in your mind then you are aloud. You can't help thinking inappropriate thoughts... and for a long time your mind was the only safe place you could be yourself. Well, that was until you met him.

You sigh to yourself, packing up your food tray you look out the window. Great, it was raining. Your thoughts drifting back to when it last rained.. the night.. the night you played seven minutes in heaven... with a Noah. Your cheeks went rosy. "Ah, (y/n)?" Allen and Lavi questioned. "O-oh yes!" you spat out, turning back to face the two of them. "You seem a little... out of it. Are you sure you're okay to come with us on our mission?" Lavi spoke up. "Of course I am. I'm fine." you smiled, trying to show them you actually were ok. "I'm gonna go get ready then." you said leaving the table.

Racing towards your room, you hopped in the shower. Quickly though, you wanted to stop by to see Komui before you left. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun, keeping it from the water as you washed yourself. You suddenly smiled, your heart racing faster as you recalled your Noah friend. It had taken you a while to realize, but.. once you finally looked past the whole 'evil' facade Tyki was putting up.. You found something else.. Someone sweet and kind. Warm.. and oh.. need I forget. Extremely attractive. You grinned sheepishly to yourself as you remembered him that night.

"You really are a dirty girl." your heart stopped beating as you heard the familiar voice. You jumped forward, freaking out you grabbed your towel. Slowly turning around you saw Tyki standing there with a huge grin plastered on his face. "What? I'm gonna see it sooner or later." he whispered stepping towards you. The more he spoke.. the redder you got. "T-tyki!" You yelled pushing him out of the bathroom.

You groaned to yourself. Trying to get ready as quickly as possible. You really didn't feel like doing this mission now, not when you had Tyki waiting for you in your bedroom. Shaking your head, you pinched yourself. Trying to keep your mind off of him. You exited the bathroom, trying not to look at Tyki laying across your bed as if he was waiting for you. You opened the door and walked out, avoiding him. A small grunt could be heard from within your room, you merely laughed to yourself and continued down the hall.

You, Lavi and Allen headed out shortly after. It took a while to get there, it was around midnight once you had finally gotten to your destination. You had your sleeping bags out and ready to go. Slipping past the two arguing you decided to go on a walk to clear your head. You found yourself at a small pond. Admiring how the moon shone over the river, the little ripples in the water that were created when the flowers dropped from the trees above. It really was a pretty sight.

After you had settled yourself down on a nearby rock, you watched the water for a while. Stepping closer to retrieve a lily pad which was so gracefully gliding along the surface. And bam, your shoes slid on the rock. Falling face first into the pond, you just sat there laughing. Your hair was wet now and it was rather cold. Before you could get up you noticed a hand being extended to you.

"Having fun there, love?" Tyki said cheerfully. You smiled politely back at him. Reaching out to grab his hand. Just as he was lifting you out of the water, he too slipped. Once again you found yourself in the pond, your eyes trailed over to Tyki's. You sat there for a minute before you both broke out into laughter. Neither of you could stop. It was only until you noticed your new found positions that you were able to shut up. You were sat firm on Tyki's waist, his legs in between yours.

Tyki looked down at you, then back into your eyes. His small grin turning into a sheepish smile. You could see right through his white shirt. He really was perfect in every way. After you'd finished eyeing him over, you noticed... Your shirt was see-through too. Your face went red... extremely red. You yelled at Tyki, who seemed to be enjoying himself, it wasn't the only part of Tyki that was growing excited...

'Stop staring and kiss me already.' you thought to yourself. Waiting for his reply. He simply looked up at you and smiled. Bringing his lips down onto yours - you had to remove yourself from his lap.. you were feeling odd and the thought of his legs being in between yours sparked up things you'd rather not be feeling.. His tall frame stood, picking you out of the water he placed his coat around your shoulders. You put it on after removing your shirt to let it dry. His coat was basically a night gown on you. You smiled at Tyki once more, turning back and heading towards the group. If you were gone too long they'd be worried. Tyki the little bastard didn't even remind you about your shirt, letting you walk back to the others with his clothes on. They sat there, staring at you with wide eyes. "What?" you asked awkwardly, following their gaze your eyes rested on Tyki's coat. "Uh-oh."

Tyki Mikk x Reader - TelepathyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt