Fifth Case: Can you guess it?

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The “Breaker Coder” finally called once more for another case although this one is different from what they’ve been solve. This case has already been gathered all the evidence and each suspects has already been interviewed. And all of them have its motive to kill the guy.

            Mr. Romulo, a well known business man and a billionaire. Found dead in his office room at its own house. The autopsy found traces of a strong poisonous powder in his body that causes him to bleed that comes out to his mouth. They found it mix at his coffee and also they found it on the piece of cake but it wasn’t been eaten yet.

            The police search and investigate the whole house and found traces of finger prints at the things that surround Mr. Romulo. The door knob traces four different finger prints. The cup of coffee also traces three different finger prints also with the small plate where the piece of cake put in found two different finger prints. While the box of cake found two different finger prints but the left pieces of cake when it has been tested found negative of the strong poisonous powder. That means that who ever did it only intend to put those poison straight to Mr. Romulo’s food. And to make it sure that he’ll intake it, that person also mix it straight to his coffee.

            They also found the piece of paper where the poisonous powder put on and it was found inside the kitchen’s trash can. But they didn’t found any traces of finger prints on it.

            The other thing that they’ve see at the crime was the printed numbers like on the floor. It was written by one and only Mr. Romulo and he used the blood that comes out from his mouth and forcefully wrote in a shaking hand those numbers like. Though the police thought it was a number still they weren’t so sure if it was a real number. That’s the reason why they ask the help of the “Breaker Coder” to find the meaning of what Mr. Romulo write on the floor before his death.

            The police already collected all the statements from all five suspects who eventually invited at their father’s birthday tomorrow. And it was him whom personally called each one to come to his party and stayed there at that day before his birthday. But they didn’t expect that it was his last day living in this world! Although that was the first thing that they all wanted for him, they still shocks to found out that his dead!

Detective:       So, they are all saying that they really don’t expect that it was his last day. (He stated rather than asking.)

Police:             Indeed! (He answered.) Although each of them has its own motive to kill Mr. Romulo!

Inspector:        And they all stated it here in these documents, am I right?

Police:             Yes! Indeed!

Detective:       So, although you’ve already asked all of them. You still didn’t know who did this thing?

Police:             Well, we have some thoughts but we were not so sure about it!

Inspector:        Because of this number like. (He stated and looks down at the floor where the numbers like written.)

Police:             Yes! That’s why we ask for your help. And we are hoping that you could crack that code.

Inspector:        Of course we can! So, don’t worry we can handle it for here.

Police:             Okay! Thank you then! (And he left them.)

Inspector:        So, what do you think of it? (He asked his partner whose looking at the numbers like at the floor.)

Detective:       I think he was telling something in here but it seems that he got it so hard to put it all together.

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