he's the boy ⇺ k.l.

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song - psycho pt. 2 by russ 


have you ever meet a boy who you actually thought you were going to die if you weren't with him? the amount of happiness he gives you is crazy? he could fuck up and you still would forgive him because there's just something about him that makes you happy. whether it's his smile, laugh, weirdness, loserness. it's just something about him that you can't resist. 

he's your world. it sounds weird because he's just a boy, but to you he's more than that. he's the person at 2 a.m. when the anxiety kicks in and the panic attacks start you can call and he'll pick up. he's the boy who pushes you out of your comfort zone to go explore to parts of the world. he's the boy who can make you smile when you're crying. he's the boy that you can talk to for hours and never get tired of hearing his voice. he means so much to you. 

it's different for him. for him you're just his best friend, you're just his wing women, you're just his neighbor, you're just a girl. a girl that he's scared to fall in love with. little does he know, you've already fallen. deep and hard.

kian and jc imagines (:Where stories live. Discover now