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I stopped the recording, a smile still on my lips. Mike and I just recorded a video together, and man, it was hilarious. I sniped his character, earning a groan from him. "Better l-luck next time," I smirked, as my player died. "Could say the same to you, Jere," Mike snorted, earning a fake cry. My green eyes glanced to the time, seeing that we've recorded for at least 30 minutes. That's gonna take a lot of editing.

"I'm gonna get off dude," I say chuckling as Mike pouted through his end, "Don't leave meeeee." he said, trying to make me stay. I rolled my eyes, "Welp I am, maybe we can hang out later?" I asked him, earning a simple, 'Fuck ye' and he hanged up our Skype call.

Rubbing my eyes, I shut my computer before looking at my phone. It kept going off during the recording, which I kept getting distracted by it. It was a few notifications from Fazbears Entertainment. I frowned, seeing it was about Scott. Without a second thought I got up, got my jacket and shoes and nearly ran out of my apartment.

~Timeskip again lol~

I reached the Pizzeria, passing a sign that they needed a nightguard. I frowned again. Wasn't Scott their nightguard? I mean, he even said to me that he worked both shifts, with two people in the daytime, none at night. Pushing open the glass doors, I walked to the counter in the corner, the women looking up with pursed lips.

"Hello and welcome to Freddy Fazbears, how may I help you?" she asked, looking at me up and down with her deep blue eyes. I walked closer, pushing the bangs out of my face, "The Fazbear Entertainment kept sending me messages about your nightguard, Scott. Mind telling me what that's about?" I asked, crossing my arms as the girl laughed nervously.

"You see- uh... There was a incident involving Scott and.." she trailed off, looking down at her papers, leaving me staring at her. I looked at her in confusion, as she quickly perked up and gave me some papers. I grabbed them slowly, still confused on what's happening.

"Listen, uh-" I looked at her name-tag, which read Savanna, "Savanna, I need to see Scott. Just get him for me please," I say, as she ran a hand through her black hair. It was a awkward moment, us standing there as I waited for a response before she gave me a watery frown.

"Sorry sir. But Scott is uh.." she began, as I groaned rubbing on my temples. This girl wasn't giving me a proper response. Like, if he was busy doing something in the Backroom, she should just tell me. Like it's really simple if you think about it for a moment. "He's what?" I ask, crossing me arms,

"Scott is dead."


I suck at writing sad scenes xD

But Scott is dead :D *sad cheers*

I have really bad writers block, so I just decided to kill a character to stir some shoit up.


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