
532 28 190

The ending is near.


Shortly after Scott passed out, the ambulance came and drove him to the hospital, followed by Mike and I. We sat in the back of the paramedics, watching as they hooked up Scott to wires and a air mask. I snuggled into Mike's arm, as he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed, closing my green eyes.

What did Scott mean that we weren't safe? Like, was someone or something after us besides fan girls? I paused, before shaking my head. That was impossible. No one wanted to kill us, unless they were haters. But... One person popped into my mind.

Did Fritz want to kill us?

Jeremy your idiot side is showing. I ignored the small voice from my head, as I pondered the thought about Fritz. That just didn't match up! He was our friend, and he would NEVER betray us!

"You okay?" a deep voice interrupted my thoughts, snapping me back to the reality. I just gave a small nod, as Mike just laid his head on mine.

"If you say so Jerebear...."

And with the silence between us was broken by a long beep from the heart monitor.

(Since I love you guys I'll make this.... About 550 words :) There will be ALOT of timeskips also, since I want to get this story over with. )

Weeks later.....

I have gotten over Scotts death for the second time, but a small piece of my heart was still torn knowing one of my first friends was dead. Besides that, Fritz hasn't been doing well either. He has never answered any of our Skype calls or even uploaded a video to youtube. It seems like he just vanished somehow.

Besides that, Mike and I have... I guess you can call it close-bonding? I spent most of my time over at his apartment, since I couldn't be alone. I was still paranoid that Scott said that we weren't safe, so I was on guard 24/7.

Life was good so far.

"Hey Jere?"

I tore my eyes away from the TV that was playing an anime, my attention focused on Mike. He sstood there with Doll's phone, a frown on his face as he walked over to me and plopped down on the couch. If you were wondering where Doll was, she was out shopping or something. She's not that important lol.

"Yea? What i-is it?" I asked, peeking at the screen, which had the text messsages app open. Hw showed me, and I read over the conversation.

It was all just dirty jokes and how Doll and this random dude would meet up. Then it hit me like a truck.

Doll was cheating on Mikey.
Mike just clenched his jaw before chucking her phone in the fireplace.

Rest in pieces, BitchFace's phone. You won't be missed.

Then Mike just hugged me, going on a rant how much he hated her. I just patted his back awkwardly, and continued to let him rant.

"...Well I honestly don't give a shit about her anyways since I love some one else and-"

Wait what.


Are any of you still reading this lol

But does anyone wanna RP? Im in the mood for it :))

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