They Were There For Each Other

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"I have put up with that stupid cat for years, 'Mione! I am covered in scratches and bites! Please just get rid the the bloody thing!"

"I am not going to get rid of my cat Ron! She is my pet!"

"Yeah and I am her scratching post!"

It is hard to tell from listening to the two, but they actually do love each other. Only two minutes before this they were peacefully cuddling on the couch. But riffs were normal between them, it was hard not to have problems when two people are so different. But, usually it balances them out.

They were very good at fighting, and while everyone thought their whole relationship was odd, they got more out of it. They learned each others strengths and weaknesses and every night fell asleep in each others arms.

She screamed at him giving birth to both of their beautiful children and then they cried tears of joy together over their creations. They were always there for each other.

They were there for each other after losing their first pregnancy to a miscarriage. Ron would hold his love close to him and cry with her. She would say "My baby..." in between sobs and he would respond with "I know...". They didn't fight for a couple weeks after that. Neither had enough energy to do so.

They were there for each other after sending their last child off to Hogwarts. She cried a few tears watching the train go off with her son and daughter on it and he put his arm around her. They would sit in silence for days, until the day they realized they missed all the noise. They would talk and sing together just to fill the silence that they began to dread. Soon, laughter between the two was normal and it was as though they were just married again. Hermione, now in her thirties began to love making jokes and Ron loved to talk about anything with her. They became one.

They were there for each other during every anniversary of the war. They would visit the Weasley residence and share a dinner and say a prayer. They would laugh about when Fred and George were inseparable and cry about how George has never been quite the same since they were torn apart. Ron would tell wonderful stories to the children of all the great people lost the fateful night that Voldemort fell. And Hermione would write them all down, so no one would ever forget. They were a team. And together they healed and walked out with only a few scratches and bites.


I know it's short... I know...

I know it's been forever... Believe me... I know...

BUT I AM SO SORRY. Forgive me. I've been really busy and my mind has been in jumbles trying to think of things to put on here and on my main account and Ugh... I'm sorry!

My Life With The Wizard: Ron and Hermione One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant