Forever and Always

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I decided that this one shot is going to be following the plot of a song. So enjoy! The lyrics in italics are "Forever and Always" , by Parachute.

She's sitting at the table, the hours get later; He was supposed to be here; She's sure he would have called.

Hermione sits alone in the dining room of the Burrow. She waits for him to come. They had made plans for a night. Walking through the streets of Hogsmeade, eating out and shopping the stores. Then visiting Hogwarts for a bit. He was supposed to be home from his mission this afternoon, but he wasn't. She trys not to worry but as the hours go by she can't help it. Why did he not send an owl?

She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway; No one's said they've seen him; Why, is something wrong?

She gets up and moves to the window in the front that looks out. No one. It is just darkness. Molly, Ginny, and George walk down the stairs talking. They stop at the bottom. "Hermione... Darling?" Molly begins walking over. "I thought you and Ron had plans tonight?" Her voice is soothing and gentle.

"We did... But he never came home. Have you guys seen him?" She looked away from the window to face them.

"No." Ginny says getting slightly worried.

"Oh Merlin! I hope he is okay... My Ronnie..." Molly says rubbing Hermione's arm in comfort.

She looks back to the window; Suddenly the phone rings; A voice says something's happened; That she should come right now.

Hermione looks back out the window when she sees something coming toward it. Something flying. After a second she realizes that it is an owl and opens the glass so it can come through. None of them knew her but there was a note that she layed onto table.

George picked it up. He flipped it over to see the back. "It's from St. Mungo's... For you Hermione..." He hands her the parchment with shakey hands. She gently takes it and unfolds it.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

We have Mr. Ronald Weasley here. An accident has occured while he was out in work. You should come right now. He is asking for you.

Sincerely, Head Healer, Thomas Lucum

Her mind goes to December; She thinks of when he asked her; He bent down on his knees first; And he said I want you forever, forever and always; Through the good and the bad and the ugly; We'll grow old together; Forever and always.

Se lets her mind wander with her eyes glued to the parchment. She thinks of when he asked her.

He brought her out to the garden after dinner one night and they talked. They talked about what they wanted with their futures. And that's when he did it. Got down on his knee and asked her. "Will you marry me Hermione?" Of course she said yes. She screamed it in fact, then wrapped her arms around him as tight she could. And in that moment, she knew they were forever. Always.

"We can make it..." She mutters to herself before pushing the letter to Molly.

She pulls up to the entrance; She walks right to the front desk; They lead her down a million halls, a maze that's never ending; They talk about what happened but she can barely hear them.

She pulled her wand out and apparated to the alley next to St. Mungo's. She waited for the sidewalk to empty a bit before stepping out and up to the old shop. She sneakily steps into the hospital. Hermione pushes her way to the desk to see three witches behind the desk. A piece of parchment flies in and lands into one of their hands. "Umm..." Hermione says.

My Life With The Wizard: Ron and Hermione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now