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They should be here any minute. I lean out of the window just waiting thinking about how anything can happen. Anything. And how I should do and say anything I need to.
I just pray that things won't go so bad.

Giggling and definitely Justine's voice.
They're coming.
The giggling is coming closer and the squeky wooden stairs are squeaking.
The pressure is rushing down and the butterflies in my stomach are doing more than swirling. My legs are getting numb.
And it's too late to jump out the window. "Jasmine?!"


"Heeeyyyy, Justine." I smile nervously to their shocked and possibly scared faces. "Good news!" I clap my hands together. Maybe I can lighten the mood. "I'm not dead!" And I never was. I don't add.
The wooded floors squeak as Mira steps forward with wide eyes.
"Careful Mira," Chyna mumbles. "She might be a zombie."
"I'm not a zombie!" I protest with a nervous laugh.
"Then what are you?" Itzuri asks raising one eyebrow.
"But...we...I mean...you...fell."
"Into a pond and drowned." Justine added to Chyna's statement.
"Yeah...how are you standing here? Not...dead?"
Not able to answer that question I ask, "Aren't you happy to see me?"
Nobody answers.
Maybe this was too sudden.

JasmineWhere stories live. Discover now