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How'd it go?

Better than I thought. They want to accept me but they just don't know.

Well then...I guess you're going to have to try harder.

How? I don't know what I'm suppose to say.

Anything. Everything they want to hear and anything you have to say to be accepted.

I don't know what to say though. I don't know what they want to hear.


Instead of sleeping I am rehearsing what I am going to say to them tomorrow at school when I meet up with them. If correct, this will work. But if it doesn't I'm in hot water.

"You should stop pacing around and really get some sleep." Says Jaycee like I don't already know.
"I know." My nerves are just keeping me awake. I don't add.
"Just go to sleep already Jas..." Jaycee groans. "You're never ending cycle of pacing is keeping me awake."
"Sorry." I mutter.
And without another word she is gone.

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