| C H A P T E R 17 |

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Theo's POV

It broke my heart when I saw Sophie got shot. I was so angry at that asshole who shot her and sad because she got shot. How can anybody hurt Sophie? She's such an angel.

Sophie is in surgery since 2 hours and I'm in here in the hospital since then. A nurse finally comes to me.

"Mr James?" She asks.

"That's me" I say and stand up.

"Sophie has had some trouble during the surgery but everything went fine after that. She's stable now." She says.

"C-can I go to her?" I ask nervously.

"Are you a family member?" She asks and I shock my head. "I'm sorry. For the next few hours only family members can visit her."

"What is if she has no family?"

"Then her fiance or boyfriend can only visit them. Are you her boyfriend or fiance?"

"Boyfriend." I lie. I should confess my feelings for her very soon. She may not wake up and I didn't even told her. She may dies and we fought as we saw each other the last time.

"Okay. Does she has any family left or are-" I cut her off.

"I'm the only she has left"

"Follow me." She gives me a weak smile. We walk a while before we stop in front of a door. "You might get shocked when you see her. She's connected with many machines but talk to her. Many patients can hear people talking to them but they can't answer."

I nod and walk into the room. I see Sophie laying on a hospital bed. Like the nurse said, Sophie is connected to machines. She looks exhausted and pale and weak and not to forget hurt.

I sit on the chair next to the bed. I hold her hand. She's is a bit warm but it isn't her normal temperature.

"God Sophie" I start. "I-I.. to be honest I don't know what to say. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. I was an asshole for ignoring you. I'm so so so sorry."

Sophie's POV

I slowly wake up but I don't open my eyes. I hear a steady beep which is freaking annoying. Can somebody stop the beeping?

Suddenly I feel pain in my leg, stomach and face. I want to put my hand on my stomach but I feel a warm hand on my hand. I open my eyes and look at our hands. Then I look at the person who's hand it is. Theo. He's sleeping and he looks so damn exhausted. But he also looks so cute. Like a sleeping puppy. Stop! You're angry at him, don't forget that! But how can I be angry at him when he looks so damn cute?

My hand twitches. I hope the sudden twitch of my hand doesn't wake him up. Unfortunately he wakes up. As he sees that I'm awake a smile appears on his face.

"You're awake." He says.

"Yeah." I say. "Theo, how long have you been here?" I ask. He looks to the clock then back to me.

"About 4 hours." He yawns.

"Did you eat anything?"

"The last time I ate something was this moring before I drove to your house." I gasp.

"Oh god Theo you need to eat something!"

"No, it's okay. You need to eat something." He says. "I'm gonna go get a nurse." With that he stands up and walks out. He comes back with a nurse.

"Sophie, I'm glad that you're awake. How are you?" The nurse says.

"My stomach and leg hurts but I'm fine. And I'm starving." I say.

"I'll go and get your food." She smiles.

"Uhm could you bring an extra fork too?" I ask. She nods and goes away. "You'll eat with me whether you want or not."

"Sophie you need the food more than I do." He holds my hand again. I get a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and my heart beats faster. I hope Theo won't see it on the monitore.

"Why is your heartbeat so fast?" He asks.

"Uhm" I say. " Why do you still hold my hand?"

"Uhm.." He puts his hand away and right then the nurse comes in.

"Here's your food. If you need anything just push the bottom." She points to the bottom next to me. She puts the food on the table next to me.

"Okay thanks" I say and she goes away. I look to Theo and he seems absent. "Theo?"

"Mhm" He looks in my eyes.

"What on your mind? You seemed absent."

"Just thought about you and how brave you are. You put yourself in danger and saved a bunch of people. That's very brave."

"I don't know what got into me to do that." Theo nods.

"The police wants to talk to you " He says.

"Yeah, I know.." I say. "I'm hungry so let's eat." We smiles at each other before we start to eat.

Have a great sunday! ☀️
The sun is shining and it's warm but I'm sitting in my room and listen to music all day. #MusicForLife 🎶

QOTD: What your favorite album at the moment?

AOTD: Uhmm I think Badlands by Halsey 😊

Don't forget to vote & comment 😉😘


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