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Wednesday August 17th 2015:
4:27 - Unknown Number:
Hey Baby, hope your okay after today :) x

4:29 - Babe:
Hi, but I think you have the wrong number.

I am currently single :/

4:30 - Unknown Number:
Courtney, is this just a way of you saying we're broken up? :(

Listen I didn't mean the things I said, please can we get past this? x

4:38 - Babe:
Okay, so you seem sincere so if I were this Courtney person I would totally forgive you but unfortunately, I am not her :|

4:39 - Unknown Number:
Shit! I'm so sorry :( I must've got the wrong number!

Sorry, I shouldn't have called you Babe or...Courtney XD

My names Joe, by the way :)

4:42 - Wrong Number:
It's cool, it made me feel slightly confused as I thought for a second I may have a boyfriend but no, it's okay XD

My names Amber ;)

4:47 - Joe:
Like the colour?

4:48 - Amber:
Like the name ;)

4:53 - Joe:
Right, sorry XD

4:59 -Amber:
S'all good :)

So I think you should go and message that bird of yours cause it seems like you have problems (no offence)

5:04 - Joe:
None taken, Courtney is just selective :/ she likes it when I'm on my knees for her

5:11 - Amber:
Surely it should be the other way around? ;)

5:12 - Joe:

5:16 - Amber:
Look, you texted me first, Bucko

5:17 - Joe:
Bucko? What the fucko? XD

5:19 - Amber:
Okay, I see how bad my jokes are you can carry on.

5:23 - Joe:

Anyway, yeah she likes to be the centre of attention and basically today I called her out for it because she told my friend to 'get her face out of my arse and piss off'

5:39 - Amber:
Harsh -_-

5:41 - Joe:
Why did it take you so long to reply?

5:48 - Amber:
Do you want the truth or a lie?

5:50 - Joe:
I'll take the truth please, Carol


Sorry, just tell me :)

5:57 - Amber:
I'm eating.

And frankly my foods more important than you'll ever be

Sorry :)

6:01 - Joe:
I'm hurt. H U R T

6:04 - Amber:
Sorry what was that, hoe?

6:05 - Joe:

6:09 - Amber:
Joe, sorry XD Auto Correct is a babe ha

6:10 - Joe:
I'm not amused :'(

6:17 - Amber:
Too bad, I am XD

Seriously, go talk to your girl, if she knew you were here talking to me she'd be pisser than pisses.

6:19 - Joe:
Ugh I know, I just don't know what to say without- yunno- making it worse :|

6:26 - Amber:
Okay, so what you have to do is send her a really long paragraph saying how sorry you are for whatever you said and that you love her so much no matter how she acts because she's yours and only yours.

6:27 - Joe:
But I don't have that much to say!

6:34 - Amber:
Just repeat yourself but word it differently.

Do you honestly think she's going to sit there and read it all?!

Your wrong, Bucko!

6:37 - Joe:
Okay, thanks and seriously, where did this Bucko shit come from?!

6:38 - Amber:
Idk just go with it!

6:40 - Joe:
Ha ok

By the way, how old are you?

I don't wanna sound like a creep!

I'm sorry!

Don't hate me, please, I was just curious!

6:42 - Amber:
Whoa calm! I'm 16. Live in London. You?

6:44 - Joe:
18 and I live in Bath :)

Thanks for the advice, gotta go write that paragraph!


6:47 - Amber:
Good luck, bye!

6:49 - Joe:
Bye x

6:53 - Amber:
No kisses, you have a girlfriend

6:55 - Joe:
So ;)

She doesn't need to know

6:57 - Amber:
Ugh, bye

How do you like it?

There won't be any speech until very far into the story.

It's ambitious but before I start really posting, I'm going to write 100+ parts ;)

Leave your feedback in the comments!

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