Chapter 1 Happy Birthday!

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I stood in front of my floor length mirror, staring at myself and my ever growing stomach. I looked and felt huge. Another 3 months of this? How much bigger can I get? I thought to myself. Turns out a lot. My name is Lola, I'm 16 and this is my story.

"Come on Lola! We're gonna be late!" My best friend Georgia shouted up the stairs. Tonight is my 16th birthday and all my friends (especially Georgia) insisted that I have a party. Id much rather have a sleepover and watch Netflix or something. Parties aren't really my thing.
"Alright hold on! I'm coming G!" I shouted down the stairs. I stood in front of my floor length mirror checking my outfit one last time. I was wearing a navy blue strapless knee length dress which had sequins in a pattern on the bodice of the dress. Black high heels, a matching clutch bag and my new diamond necklace and matching earrings that I got from my mum for my birthday. My hair was shoulder length and was in loose natural looking curls. My make up consisted of a smokey eye shadow with black eyeliner in a flick on the top of my eyes and red lipstick. I don't normally dress up like this, I'm more of a Tom boy, so I'm interested to see people's reactions.
"Ok I'm ready!" I shouted as I walked down the stairs to my front door to meet Georgia. She stared at me in shock.
"Wow...Lola you look really pretty..." Georgia said
"Thanks" I said smiling.
"Come on then, you can't be late for your own party" Georgia said grabbing my arm.
"If Brad doesn't even attempt to hit on you tonight then he's crazy!" Georgia said as we made our way to the hotel. Brad is the hottest guy in school. All the girls practically drool over him in school...including me...I've had a crush on him forever! But he never notices me, well hopefully that will all change tonight. I smirked to myself.

We walked to the party together as everyone else was already there and they had been setting things up all day. The party was at the local hotel. It was only a 20 minute walk from my house.

When we arrived at the hotel "The Dragon Fly Inn" I was shocked with how it looked. The party was held in the main hall the "grand hall" as it is called. My favourite colour is purple and everything was purple and cream, even my cake!. There was a buffet of food with all of my favourite things! Pepperoni pizza, crisps and salsa, quiche, bread sticks and much more, there's even a chocolate fountain! With strawberries, marshmallows, donuts and lots of other sweet treats to dip in the chocolate!

"Happy birthday!!!" Everyone cheered as me and Georgia entered the room.

-----///------//////------////----A/N hey guys! This is my first ever story so feedback is appreciated :) please like/vote/comment, Thanks! :)

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