The Party.

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"Happy birthday!!!" Everyone cheered as me and Georgia entered the room.

"Happy birthday! Aww my baby's all grown up!" My dad said to me sarcastically whilst hugging me.
"I can't believe you're 16 already! It feels like just yesterday I held you for the first time" my mum said joining me and dad in a group hug.
The first 5-10 minutes of the party was spent being hugged by family members and having pictures taken together.
The hall was decorated  beautifully. There was purple and white balloons covering the dance floor, where there was also a DJ. All my friends and family were here all ready to celebrate my sweet sixteen!
Eventually when I managed to escape the madness that was my family, I made my way to the dance floor so I could go find my friends and get this party started.
"Happy birthday Lola!!" My three best friends; Alice, Kate and Poppy shouted whilst running over to hug me.
"Wow! You look so...girly!" Alice said after our group hug.
"Yeah, I never thought I'd see you looking so glamorous!"
"Hey, this is a once in a life time opportunity seeing me dressed like this! So make the most of it, cos it's not happening again!" I said I between taking selfies with the girls. Another thing I hate to do. I'm not the most photogenic person.
"So have you spoken to Brad yet? If he ignores you tonight then he's crazy..." Georgia said as she brought us all our first drinks of the night.
"No, not yet. Think I'll need a bit more to drink before I do. Y'know...Dutch courage and everything." I said.
"Well you better get over there quick before I do! He is looking mighty fine tonight if I do say so myself" Kate winked to me as she was practically drooling all over Brad. 
She wasn't lying. Brad was looking very handsome in his black dress suit with a white t-shirt with a couple of buttons un-done and black dress shoes.
" -sigh- if only he would notice me" I thought to myself.
"Ooh I love this song!! Girls come on! We gotta go dance!" Alice shouted to us over the loud music. We all started dancing and singing at the top of our voices to the taylor swift song.
This was going to be a great night.....

A/N hey guys! Sorry for not uploading sooner, been super busy with college and work, hopefully it won't be so long til the next update :)
Please like/vote/comment, thanks :)

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