Chapter 12

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///sorry it took long, i was away... Hope you like it! Please comment & vote x

Did you see Gary's tweet? Wrong account! ///

When I landed in England it was seven. If there won't be much traffic i will get to the third song. I called someone from Robbie's team, so I could go in when I got there and someone will take care of my belongings. That way I won't miss the show.

When I reached the venue i could hear Robbie singing 'bodies' someone was waiting for me at the back door and i thanked him when he took care of my belongings and let me in. I was standing by the side of the stage, backstage. Robbie didn't notice me yet. He looked amazing and the show looked phenomenal.

In the middle of 'Supreme' Robbie turned to where some of his band were, it was the part were he introduced the band. Then he noticed me, As i was standing close to one of the guitarists. For a second or two he just looked at me and rubbed his eyes, checking if it was really me he was seeing. When he realized it was he run over to me and hugged me, I hugged him back. I could hear mumbling from the audience to Robbie surprisingly running offstage. It seems that Robbie heard it too, As he was pulling me with him onstage. The audience cheered as they saw Robbie come on stage with me. Their reaction was heartwarming and amazing. Tens of thousands cheering. I was just looking at the audience till the song ended.

When the song ended i was pulled into a kiss by Robbie. It was a quick soft kiss, but it was filled with passion and love, the audience's cheering just went mental.

"Looks like someone decided to surprise us tonight!" Robbie said and the audience cheered. "Well the next song is a song you asked me to put it the setlist... So stay on stage when i sing it" Robbie turned to me and smiled as someone brought a stool for me to sit on throughout the song.


I was told that i should go to the door halfway through 'Angels' so Robbie will join and the we'll be out of the venue before the crowd were out. The security guard was waiting for me and told me my suitcase was in the car already, as well as my bag. Moment later Robbie got out the building and we went into the car, it took only a few second between him coming off stage till we were already on the road. It needed to be that quick because other wise we'll get stuck in the traffic with everyone who's left the gig.

"I thought you weren't due to come till tomorrow" Robbie smiled at me sitting next to me, his head rested on my shoulder.

"The producers gave Matt and Laura a day off, so I wasn't needed there. I thought i would surprise you" I looked at Robbie smiling.

Robbie POV

"Are you still coming to the next two shows?" I didn't want the surprise to be ruined. Everything was ready.

"I'll come tomorrow, don't worry" Gary tried to reassure me. "As for Thursday I have a bit of a problem. There's a meeting with a big sponsor and it involves a lot of money, so I have to be there". That's bad Robbie thought to himself. He made sure all the boys would be there for thursday, everything was ready, and now it had to be moved. He couldn't call them now, Gary was there. He needed to talk with the band too. Then he remembered the watsapp group with the lads, they had one without Gary especially for this.

He sent a message 'Problem. Gary can't be there on thursday night, only tomorrow night. Will you be able to get here?'

It didn't take long for the answers to come in. Mark's was first.


Got a gig, sorry Bro. It will still be amazing'

So first ones out, this is not going well. Then Howard sent his:


Still in Germany. Need to be here with Lola till thursday morning. Good luck mate'

For the best of chances we'll have TT3, Jason and the lovebirds I thought to myself. This is not how I was picturing it. Not at all.

Jason will be here surely. He doesn't do gigs nor does he have a daughter abroad. Then I saw Jason begin typing, please let it be good news, I thought to myself. There was a beep and the reply was in.


I have a charity event in the afternoon. I think i can make it, maybe I'll be a little late. Count me in!'

So two are not coming and one will be late, this is not how I wanted it to be.

"Rob?" Gary's voice took me out of my thoughts. "Are you ok? You look a little pale".

"I'm fine" i said, smiling to him, trying to hide my thoughts.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the hospital? Stay there for the night?" Gary looked worried. "Rob?!" Gary raised in voice a little, he sounded worried.

"What?" I looked up at him, I was in my own thoughts and didn't really hear what he was saying.

"Sure you're ok? You can cancel the gig if you"

"No" i raised my voice as i cut his words. That's the last thing i need. I had the ring, i wanted to do it.

Gary was taken back by Rob raising his voice and cutting his words Rob was back on his phone, making sure the band were ready for tomorrow instead of thursday. 

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