Chapter 9 - Next Steps

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Recently, my week has consisted of long, hard days but even longer nights. Ian and I have been working non-stop on his case. We had theories of every suspect, a crime map and I've even made a few phone calls to Anthony to clear up some things.

"So, what's the next step?" I ask Ian. My feet and most of my legs are across his lap as I lay parallel to the couch we were sat on. Ian turns his head to glance back at our crime map which was basically just pictures taped to the wall.

"So, we have every possible suspect, their supposed location that night and their alibis. Basically, I have no idea what the next step is." He sighed and rested his head on the back of the couch.

Ian and I have become very close lately. Which is expected when you work on a murder case together. There is definitely a very strange element though when you're working on a murder case with the victim of that murder.

"Okay." I sighed. "I do have an idea but I don't know if you're going to like it."

"Okay.." He hesitated. "What is it?"

I paused for a moment and looked at Ian. His expression was hard to read and I wasn't sure how he'd react to what I had to say. Would be blow up? Maybe he'd storm out and become infuriated? There was no way of telling.

"Well, I think that a good next step would to bring Anthony over here, and see what he has to say." I said slowly and carefully, trying to not offend Ian. "It has been over half a century since he's been here and who knows, maybe coming back will refresh his memory or open up a new perspective on the case." I half smiled.

Ian motioned for me to move my legs and I did. He stood up and paced forward for awhile. His fingers gripped tightly at the ends of his hair.

"Do you think Anthony would be ready to do that?" I asked and Ian turned to face me. There was no emotion showing on his face but behind his eyes, I swear I could see a hint of sadness.

"I don't know if I'm ready to do that." Ian's voice cracked and I could see emotional walls start to crumble.

Instincts kicked in and I stood up immediately. I walked quickly towards him and wrapped my arms around him, I had one hand on the small of his back and the other on the back of his head. He engulfed me with his arms and rested his head in the crook of my neck as he poured his heart out in the form of tears. We stood there for, as cliche as it sounds, what felt like forever.

After awhile Ian pulled back and wiped the under of his eyes.

"I never said you have to see him Ian." I tried to soothe him.

"Yeah I know, but why hide me right? He might as well know that I've been stuck here for so long." Ian sighed and nodded his head.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked in a whisper tone.

"I think I am Elie."

"I don't know Eleanor." My Aunty said as she continued to walk around with things piled in her arms.

"Please Aunty!" I begged her. "I really want this."

"He's 90 years old, Eleanor and you want him to come here so you two can talk?" She questioned.

"I know it sounds crazy! But we've talked before and I think he might be my last and only hope at solving this case!"

"What's with your obsession of this murder case anyways?" She sighed.

"Because I feel like I can finally do something good for the world! And after Dad..." My voice trailed off. My Aunty stopped walking and turned to face me. She set her stuff down beside her and brought me in for a hug. She kissed my forehead before letting me go.

"I know after your father, it's been really hard. So, if you think that solving a murder case will make you happy, then who am I to stop you?" She smiled at me.

"Thank you Aunty Carol." I said calmly and gave her a brief hug. "Is it alright if he comes over this week?" I asked and she nodded, not even giving it a second thought.

"Hey Anthony, it's Eleanor calling again." I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see. Anthony was such a pleasure to talk to.

"Ahh yes, what can I help with now dear?" He asked cheerfully.

"Well, I know this is asking a lot of you but I was wondering if you'd be able to come over here and we could discuss everything. I feel that you coming here could really help the case!" I said happily.

"Oh wow, I haven't been to that house in a very long time.." He trailed off for awhile.

"I know it's asking a lot Anthony."

"Dear, I never said I wasn't coming! I'd love to go back to the old place! Well that would be delightful! When would you like me to come?" He asked.

"Does tomorrow work alright for you?"

"Tomorrow is perfect." He piped.

"Would you like me to come and drive you here?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be wonderful."

"So, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning? Is that alright?" I asked. I was ecstatic that he was willing to come.

"Sounds great. See you tomorrow dear!"

"See ya!" I said and hung up the phone.

Well, it was settled. Tomorrow Anthony would come and see Ian for the first time in 77 years.

I hope he doesn't die from a heart attack..

"Ian! Ian! Anthony can come over!" I yelled excitedly, in hopes that my Aunty wouldn't hear.

"That's amazing Elie!" He exclaimed and ran over to me.

Before I knew it, we were in an embrace and my feet were slightly off the ground. My arms were wrapped around him and the vice versa. He set me back gently on my feet and I pulled back so I could look at him. Our faces were inches apart.
I could feel his breath tickling my nose.
I felt a hand run up my back and wrap itself into the roots of my hair. I felt the other hand putting light pressure on my small of my back. I reciprocated the motion and wrapped my arms behind his neck. I saw his eyes close and I did the same. He started to lean in and then I felt it. The same chilling and electrifying feeling go through my lips. Our lips melted together and Ian started to lean forward even more which eventually formed the kiss into a dip kiss. His hands held tightly onto my back and hair and mine did the same. Everything about this kiss felt so right and, as cliche as it sounds, made me forget about everything around me.

When Ian eventually pulled away, he looked deeply and lovingly into my eyes.

"I've been falling for you since day one Elie. You've made me feel human even though I've been dead so long. With you, everything seems lively and beautiful again. I think we were always meant to be but we were born centuries apart. I'm really falling for you Elie and I don't know how to stop." He whispered in a low tone, never once leaving my eyes.

"You shouldn't have to stop falling if we're meant to be." I said and did a slight jump and wrapped my legs around his waist. My entire body was just chills and electric feelings but I loved it.

And I was starting to fall in love with Ian.

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