Chapter 10 - Old Friends

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AN: I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been really busy but I will try to make updates more regular and write longer chapters!
Anyways, enjoy! :)

The feeling of his lips was all that I could remember from last night. Along with the heat, the rush and the excitement. I don't know how it happened but it just felt like it was supposed to happen. I've kissed guys before but that, that was, as one might say, a whole other realm of romance.

The drive there was calming and peaceful. I often glanced off at the trees quickly gliding by and the steady beat of old 30's music that Ian recommended I listen to.

But the drive back with Anthony was filled with small conversation because if I'm being honest, I was a bundle of nerves. Anthony was about to see his best friend again who's been dead for 77 years.

Earlier, we had arranged that Ian would hide up on the third floor and I would bring Anthony up. I had no idea how this was going to go but I had faith in all three of us that the initial shock would pass quickly.

"Hey Anthony?" I spoke up as we approached the final stretch of road to the old house.

"Yes Eleanor?" He gave me his undivided attention.

I took a deep breath in. "There's something back at the old house that I want you to see and I'm very nervous for you to see it and I don't really know how you'll handle it. So, can you just promise me that you won't have a heart attack today?" I tried to joke with him.

He let out a very low, breathy chuckle. "I will try not to have a heart attack."

"Okay, thanks Anthony."

We pulled into the driveway and the sight of the old house was comforting in this extreme nerve-wracking moment. I glanced up at the third floor window and could just barely make out the frame of Ian's body. You know, for someone who's been dead a long time, you'd think he'd be a lot better at hiding?

After exiting the car, we made our way into the house. On the left in the kitchen was Aunty Carol sitting at the breakfast bar and she turned her attention to the doorway when she heard the door close.

"Oh hello there! You must be Anthony. It's a pleasure to meet you." She exclaimed cheerfully.

I picked up bits and pieces of their introductions and small talk but nothing was louder than the sound of my pounding heart.

"Okay, well I'll leave you guys be. If you need anything just holler!" She smiled and made her way back to her magazine at the breakfast bar.

I looked over at Anthony who was already smiling. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"It's very strange being back after so long but I absolutely love this old house." He paused as we started to make our way down the main hallway. "All the memories came flooding back to me as soon as we drove into the driveway. Things I haven't thought about in so long, just came back. It's overwhelming."

Oh god. If the memories are overwhelming how is he going to react when he sees Ian.

"So, where are we going Miss Eleanor?"

"Well, I was thinking the third floor would be a good place to start." I said as we reached the second floor but immediately Anthony stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong?" I asked confused. Then, it hit me.

"Anthony.. Were you the one who locked up the third floor?"

"I was." He admitted.

"Why did you hide the entrance to the third floor?" I asked him gently.

He took in a deep breath. "Because.. Because I couldn't bare being up there. It was Ian's space up there. I spent ten years of my life in that room. So, when I called it quits, I locked it up. I hid everything up there. I locked the past up there." He spoke looking down at the floor.

"Are you sure you want to go up there?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder. He nodded.

"It's time." I nodded. We reached the ladder that goes to the not-so-secret room.

"Anthony, do you mind if I go first and then I'll help you up?" I asked. "That would be lovely my dear."

I made my way up and spotted Ian leaning against the desk as he usually does.

"Ready Anthony?" He nodded. He slowly made his way up, step by step. When he finally got up, I immediately turned his back to Ian.

"What's wrong Eleanor?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"When I turn you around, you need to be calm. I will answer any questions you have and we will work through this, okay?" I asked. He was confused but still, he agreed.

I slowly turned the 90-something man around and towards Ian. When he spotted him, he took a small step back. I had the palms of my hand on his back in case he fainted or, had a heart attack.

No one said a word.
Complete silence filled the room.
My pounding heart shook my body.

I saw Anthony slowly make his way towards Ian. The floor creaked with each step he took. When he finally reached him, he stood about a foot away. I also made my way closer, but not too close. I could see Ian's expression. It was pure fear and excitement.

"I-Ian?" Anthony's voice cracked. I couldn't see the tears in his eyes but I could definitely tell that they were there. I looked over at Ian, a single tear rolled down his face.

"Yeah, it's me." His voice was small and fragile. Almost like a child's.

Anthony slowly raised an hand and set it down on Ian's shoulder. He got slightly spooked at the feeling when you touch someone who's been dead so long but handled it well.

Before I knew it, Anthony pulled Ian into a hug and they both wrapped their arms around each other. Ian's face was now towards me and he mouthed an emotional "Thank you." I nodded at him with my own tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

Antony pulled back but both hands remained on his best friend's shoulders. "But.. How..? Why?" He asked in disbelief.

"Say Anthony, why don't we sit on the old couch and I'll explain everything." He suggested. His voice was cracking from the tears but you could tell, he was happier than he's been in a long time.

About an hour later, Ian had managed to explain how and why he's been trapped here so long to Anthony. It was an intense, emotional hour and I didn't say much and I knew it didn't have to. This wasn't my moment. I was just the middle-man that brought some old friends together.

"But if you were here all along, why didn't you come to me? I could've tried to help you." Anthony asked.

"Because, you were already helping by trying and if you knew I was here, you know damn well that you would've never left this house. You would've been here until the day you died. I didn't want you to feel like you were stuck here too. I wanted you to live your life and not feel guilty about having done so."

"Damnit Ian. You are just as stubborn and unselfish as you were 70 years ago." Both of the boys laughed. It was the first laughs I've heard in over an hour and it made me let out a sigh of relief and sit back in my chair a little more comfortably.

"Okay, so now that we have all of that explained." Ian looked over at the hanging clock. "And it's only 12:47, why don't we let the lady in charge take over and start explaining what we are actually here to do. Solve a murder." Ian smiled over at me.

"Okay, let's get started."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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