6 - Give Me Love

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    The flight to L.A. was nerve racking.  Kayla and Glen hadn’t been able to come because my dad had decided it would be better to send me on a plane there rather than having me drive all three thousand miles to that huge city.  He didn’t want me getting lost and had coordinated stuff with Andy’s parents.  Apparently they had paid for a cell phone and sent it to him so that while I was there everyone could stay in contact.  When that had happened, Andy had called me.  I tried to stay positive on the phone while I spoke to him but the fact that he wasn’t going to be here for graduation hurt.  He knew that I was upset about it and attempted to comfort me but it really didn’t help.  I missed him so much and he seemed to agree.

    Graduation had come and gone in a blur.  It didn’t really seem like it had happened even though I had been fairly excited about the whole ordeal.  It was odd to think that I was just wasn’t into it because he wasn’t there.  My father had gotten me flowers and Andy’s parents were there along with Kayla and Glen but it wasn’t the same.  My cap and gown felt awkward, the walk to the stage lonely and my valedictorian speech somehow too nostalgic to describe.  I knew high school was over, that my real life was going to start and the one thing that sucked was the guy I desperately needed in my life was half a world away in the city of stars.  How could I be excited without him?  I knew at that point that I would see him in a little less than a month, but it was difficult to take hold of my new life when he wasn’t here to share it.  Since hearing from him, I felt so distant from Kayla and Glen and even my father was noticing my despair.

    Perhaps that was why I was now on a plane headed for L.A without the troublemakers.

    I stared out the window as the pilot announced that we were descending through the clouds that hovered below.  They were billowy, the beautiful pillows abundant and soft as the plane cut straight through.  The blue sky loomed above for a few moments before we were entirely enveloped in the misty weather.  I stared at the dark world now only inches from me, staring at the wing of the aircraft as little bits of fog drifted over the metal.  The flaps engaged and we began to slow, the engines reversing as the ground began to come up towards us.  The clouds parted and the world below was something to see.  Row upon row of houses began to pop up, the city growing with each mile.  Pools shimmered beneath us as the sunlight cast a warm glow on the homes and the silver of the airplane gleamed. 

    My heart began to race as I realized that he would be waiting for me the airport.  He had promised to come pick me up with my present for graduation.  He had also said he wasn’t sure if I wanted to come home with him or just stay at a hotel because their latest apartment was pretty dirty.  I didn’t care though, I just wanted to be with him no matter what that meant.  He made no mention of Scout so I was hopeful that they were broken up.  Perhaps if they were, I could make my move and steal him away for good.

    The plane touched down on solid earth, shaking me slightly and causing me to close my eyes.  I was so grateful to be out of the air because I hated flying.  I had concentrated on the beauty of the expanse below to get through it but now I was only relieved.  At least, I was relieved until I realized that Andy was just on the other side of the airport awaiting my arrival.

    I swallowed and grabbed my carry on bag, swinging it over my shoulder just as the plane docked. 

    “Thank you for a wonderful flight, we hope you enjoyed it and welcome to Las Angeles,” the flight attendants announced with obvious, genuine smiles on their faces.  At least Southwest Airlines was a friendly airliner and made me feel much more comfortable about the idea of flying. 

    I stood and began to saunter through the aisles of chairs towards the door.  My knees were knocking at this point, heart sputtering out of control as I tried to comprehend that I was seeing him for the first time in eight months.  Teeth were chattering as I walked into the building, the gate packed with travelers and their bags.   I held my head high as I tried to navigate through this huge place, remembering the place Andy had told me to meet him.  My fingers shakily tucked a lock of coffee brown hair with blue dyed tips behind my ear as I continued my trek towards the boy I had missed so dearly.

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