School Horror

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A/N I start school tomorrow 😁 anyways hope you guys like this chapter.

I was at my locker. Caroline and Lily were talking to me for a few minutes but they had to go to class. I, however, had free period. I felt alone. I was organizing my locker with nothing better to do.

I started walking down the empty hallways to the nearest trash can to throw out old assignments. Is this what it's gonna be like? Am I going to spend the rest of the period doing nothing?

I simply slouched down against my locker and put headphones in. I tried to block out my inner thoughts about Vince and about how lonely I feel at this very moment. Unfortunately, it didn't work. I was still thinking about it.

I was mad. I was sad. In fact, I was every emotion other than glad. I just wanted to be rad. I was also sounding like a poet. I am defiantly not a poet.

I am an artist. So I grabbed my sketch pad and began drawing. I drew a volcano exploding. Well, I guess you understand how I feel. I was simply coloring in the drawing until I was interrupted by somebody.

The man was wearing black. Everywhere. A black hoodie, black jeans, but the thing that alarmed me the most, was his black ski mask.

The halls were empty. Nobody could see us. The man yanked me by the arm. He was running to the janitors closet and he pushed me against the wall. I started crying and screaming loudly.

That's when he slapped me. "Shut up you whore!" He screamed in a muffled voice. I didn't recognize the voice and I didn't want to. I would never want to know who this monster is personally. He started kissing my neck. His hands were slowly going up my shirt.

I thought back to the group chat with Caroline and Lily. The revenge. This was the revenge. I heard somebody from outside the closet say my name, as if they were searching for me.

"Don't you dare or else I will knock you or whoever is out there cold." I didn't listen to this monster breathing on me.

"HELP!" I screamed with the slightest bit of hope the person searching for me may possibly still be out there.

The man punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I wasn't knocked out though.

Then suddenly I heard the door bust open. It was dark in here, no lights, meaning I had no clue who had just burst in, but I was thankful.

I heard the man yell in pain meaning my savior must've punched him, or kicked him, or anything to stop him. The mystery savior grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the closet. We were in the halls and I could see.

It was Vince. Before knowing what I was doing, I jumped on him hugging the hell out of him. Tears were bursting through my closed shut eyelids.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay." He whispered in my ear, holding me tight. "I will take care of him." Vince told me to get the principal.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I said while running to the office. I ran faster than before because I was afraid. I was afraid Vince would get hurt.

As I reached the office I began screaming at the principal what just happened, tears still coming out. He jumped out of his chair and told me to guide him to where the incident happened. So I did. I ran back to Vince.

When we got to the closet the man was on the ground bleeding. Vince must've punched him a few more times. The principal ripped off his ski mask and there was Tom. Tom, Shelly's boyfriend. "Shelly." I whispered.

Vince was hugging me again and I whispered once again, louder, in his ear. "Shelly did this." He looked up with wide and angry eyes.

"She will pay. For everything." Vince was calm but I could see the fury in his eyes. I was still crying trying to stop, but I couldn't. It was impossible to stop.

"Do you two have any idea as to why Tom would try to supposingly rape you?" Me and Vince looked at each other.

"Yes sir. Shelly is responsible."


I heard a knock on my patio door at around 11:37 p.m. I couldn't sleep, not after what happened today. Trevor just left me alone to rest he has been hovering over me all day since I got home and told him what happened.

"It's open." I said my heart picking up speed, scared of what Vince was here to say.

He walked in and knelt next to my bed. "Listen." We said at the same time.

"I'll go first." Vince said. "I am so sorry. I am an idiot. It wasn't even a big deal and I should've said that you were forgiven. I can't believe you made me that beautiful drawing and bought the album. I'm sorry. Also I am so sorry about what happened today. Are you okay?"

I was stunned. I had a whole speech planed but he left me speechless. "I-I-"

"Jas," he said softly and calm, "it's going to okay, I promise you."

I nodded. "Vince, I'm sorry for being so hard on you about ignoring me. I just wanted to talk to somebody, I felt alone. I guess I just needed you."

"I know Jas, I am so so sorry. For ignoring you, for not being there sooner when Tom tried to rape you, for not being by your side."

Tears were stinging in the back of my eyes. I tried to hold them in.

"Vince," my voice cracked and I knew the tears were coming, "I'm scared." I started crying, hysterically. Vince ran to me and hugged me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my face was buried in his chest. "I don't think I can be left alone."

"You will never be alone. I am always here for you, Jas, always."

My voice was cracking, my eyes were red, my face tear stained. I was a mess. "Vince, can you stay tonight. Please." I couldn't be left alone and since Vince saved me twice from Tom, I knew he could protect me.

"Absolutely." He climbed in the bed I moved over and rested my head on his chest. His arms were wrapped around me.

"Thank you."


A/N i start school tomorrow...guess summers over 😔. Really hoped you guys liked this story. Another chapter tomorrow or the next day depending on school.

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