Darren POV - Bridge

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Darren POV

The harsh wind rustled through my lightly coloured hair as I perched on the bridge. I inhaled and looked down, instantly regretting it. The fast moving water crashed up against jagged black rocks below. A group of people stopped to gawk at me and began to mutter amongst themselves. Then, without a second glance back, they scuttled off on their merry way like woodlice on an upturned log. Closing my eyes I released a breath. Alone at last.

"Goodbye" I whispered into the emptiness around me, then stepped into the nothingness ahead and plummeted down. A gasp rushed past my chapped lips and disappeared into the deafening wind that I hurtled through. Her luscious black waterfall of locks, cascading over her shoulder and down her back. Those sparkling Bambi eyes the colour of thick, healthy grass. Her plump crimson lips the shape of a bow. They way her nose crinkled when she heartily laughed. Never again would I see her gorgeous face and body. Never again would I hear her singing slightly off key in her goofy, adorable way. Never again would I taste her minty, chocolatey lips pressed on mine. I would never see her again.

But it was too late for rethinking this. I was already falling. Falling. Flying. Soaring. High up like a bird. I spread my arms like wings and screamed goodbye to whoever can hear it. No... I screamed goodbye to her. Too late. Too damn late.

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