Darren POV - Ice

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My body smashed into the water. Ice exploded within my veins. By heart clawed at my chest trying to escape. Silence sliced my ear drums as the numbing water penetrated my lungs. My eyelids jerked open and were turned to ice instantly as I raised them to the surface. The water was a burning red mixed with a bruised plum reflecting the sunset that contradicted the grey, dull colour the sky and landscape usually was. I hadn't realised the beauty of the Sun before I had leapt. All I had seen were those glimmering eyes in my mind. My heart burst through my chest snapping through my ribs and pounding out of my taught skin. Pain was stabbing my left leg and forehead. Really body, I thought. A migraine now...as a goodbye present...

My leg however and crunched into a rock on my entrance to the water. Tendrils a colour so dark it was basically brown were curling from my leg like ribbons, mingled with the crisp clear around it. The shin was screeching in agony and the mangled position it floated in told me it had snapped. My vision blurred and my body was starting to slump. Finally escape was enveloping me. A blanket of warmth began to uncurl from deep within.

Muscular arms wrapped around my torso and I was thrust into the air. Half-conscious I felt sand grate against me and a pressure on my ribs, shoving my heart back inside. I gagged, turned on my side and a bucket of water was vomited up. My head lolled back to the shore as a tiny river dribbled from the corner of my lips.

Two figures leaned over me. With difficulty I managed to focus on their backlit faces. The pair was a girl and boy, around my age. The girl was crouching to my right looking concerned and slightly sobbing. She was in nothing but deep purple underwear and she was completely soaked. Her ginger hair hung limply around her pale face with huge blue eyes glimmering back at me. Her partner was a Latino looking boy with hazel eyes and curled black hair. His cheeks were oinked slightly as though he had just been running. His apparel suggested this also. Like the girl, he was soaked through.

"Crap," the boy muttered, "we need to call an ambulance. Oh God look at his leg. Defiantly broken. Fuck... Oh God..."  I slipped back into the warm darkness.

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