Chapter 13

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Delilah's POV
"Yes." She says, "about 10 years ago." I wanted to just scream and hug her. Have I done it? Have I really found my author? I feel the smile burst onto my face.
"It's you! Oh my gosh Sips was right! I've read your book a million times. Its taught me everything I know. I... I just want to thank you." I pull Hannah into a hug presenting her with my copy of the book,
"I didn't know you studies witchery." Hannah questions. Then my world shatters.
"What?" I feel my eyes tear up, I thought I'd found them, why isn't it Hannah?
"I wrote a book on witchery. " she clarifies. She looks at the book in my hands and holds it up so she can see it, "but I guess I'm not the one you're looking for." She mumbles staring at the book. I brake down in tears. I knew it! I knew I would never find the author. This was all a big stupid idea! "Hey don't cry. You're welcome to stay with us for as long as you need to. I'm sure that the author is out there and that you'll find them." She reassures hugging my warmly. Before I have any time to compose myself Nilesy bursts into the room,
"Hat Films are heading this way and they look really annoyed!" Nilesy warns,
"They're coming for me. " my breathing quickens and I start to panic,
"Why? What happened?" Hannah questions,
"They kidnapped me so I escaped. I had no other choice. They were going to send me back." I fumble to find a good explanation of what happened,
"Delilah. Calm down. Nilesy will go stall them and you can explain what happened." Hannah instructs,
"They were contacting Sjin to send me back. They were making a deal like I was a piece of property to be sold and exchanged. I was barely conscious but I had to fight them and brake free. I hurt them pretty bad, they were half dead. So was I. I could see in their eyes they wanted revenge. Now they've come for me and they're going to kill me." I continue to panic and my heart starts racing,
"Don't worry Del. they don't know you're here, I'll hide you in the balloons of the ship until they're done but we have to move fast. I nod in agreement and get to my feet. Hannah and I climb to the top of the ship and Hannah makes a hole for me to climb in. "Don't come out till I come to get you." She instructs. What have I done? Will this be worth it in the end?

Hannah's POV
I grab my weaponry incase things turn sour. It's probably best to just pretend we have no clue what hat films are talking about. Nilesy pretends to be tending to the dinosaurs and I fly over to them on my broomstick. These three really are kitted out. Their bodies are covered in different armour pieces and weapons. On each of their shoulders sits a different type of nuclear weapon.
"I don't owe you any money!" I state instantly, I try to avoid drawing my sword because I don't really want this to result in violence. Smith glides around on the grass looking around assumedly looking for any evidence that Deiliah is here. They all look fairly beaten up and have a few healing cuts visible on their face.
"Well you do actually. From your previous property. But we are willing to make those debts disappear. " Trott says softly,
"You see we're looking for a young girl, a bit of a trouble maker, and we suspect she came through this way." Ross begins taking a small walk around the area,
"Who is this trouble maker?" I ask,
"She's an eighteen year old named Delilah. I'm sure you've heard of her. She'll likely be in a pretty bad state, her biggest issue will be a large cut on her leg." Ross describes Delilah perfectly,
"And what would you intend to do if you found her?" I continue to question,
"Nothing of your concern." Smith waves it off as if they would never hurt a fly,
"Tell me!" I demand,
"We would simply like to get a little bit of the sweet nectar of revenge." Trott is practically drooling at the thought,
"You would kill her." I state bluntly,
"Yes. But it's really in everyone's best interest to do so." I try to formulate a plan to lead them off track,
"You said she was blond right. We saw someone the other day, about this height, " I describe holding my hand up to Delilah's height, "flower in hair, terrible iron armour."
"Yes exactly!" Trott cheers, "where did you see her?"
"This way." I lie. I take them across the stream where Delilah swam across, "she was stood just over there, Nilesy called out to her. She looked scared at shot Nilesy. So I ran after her, she tried to fight me but was too weak. In the end I let her go and she ran off to the west. " A complete and utter blatant lie but they all seem convinced,
"Thank you. We will come back in a week to sign the paper work to sign off your depts." Trott promises,
"No problem. Goodluck."
Delilah spreads to map out on the table with red X's over areas where we know tge author isnt and where Hat films might be. Delilah handa Nilesy the list of probable authors. Nilesy and I try to work out who we think is most likely to be the mistary Author,
"So what do you think?" She asks biteing her nails,
"Well it's definitely not Rythian. " I state
"What?!" Nilesy disagrees,
"Have you even looked at the information we already know? There's practically nothing on magic and loads of chapters on science and mechanics. " I explain crossing his name of the list. We continue the process until there's one left,
"Are you sure?" Delilah questions staring at the name. I give a slight nod to confirm. "okay then how do I get to him?" Nilesy and I look at each other and agree on what to do without even speaking.
We convince Del to gather her possessions and follow us on her horse. We stop about a mile before from out base. Nilesy presents the torch lit road, a long road made out of gravel with torches every few meters
"Follow this road and you'll be fine." I instruct, Del turns to Mr Handy,
"Could you look after him please?" She asks
"No problem Del!" Nilesy agrees. Once Delilah begins to ridr away Nilesy and I start singing,
"Follow the torch lit road.
Follow the torch lit road.
Follow follow follow follow
Follow the torch lit road!" We sing while waving goodbye

Sorry please dont hate me.

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