Chapter 25

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Delilah's PoV
It's been almost three weeks since my encounter with Sjin, and I haven't heard anything since. I must admit I really hate how things were left between us but I was mad and he just wasn't listening. I've tried to write him a letter explaining everything to him, and why I simply can't go back to the farm but I simply can't will myself to send it. Lewis is very happy with my progress and thinks in a few months time he'll be done training me, then I can go back and prove to Sjin that I can survive on my own.
I watch the sunrise from the top of the armoury. It's been pretty peaceful since all of Lewis's ex-students left. Tom stayed behind, which is fair enough, this is his home after all. Sometimes, like today, Tom will join me on the roof. We won't talk, we'll just be there, appreciating the world. But today Tom turns to me and looks me right in the eyes,
"Are you okay? You know, like really okay?" He asks
"Yeah I'm fine. " I nod with a smile,
"That's good. Del, if you ever need anything I'm here to talk. " he promises
"Oh, okay. Thanks I guess." I smile not really knowing why he offered that but greatfull anyway,
"Do you wanna go play hide and seek?" He suggests,
"Always!" I shout getting to my feet, "let me grab my weapons belt and we can go." I rush inside and grab my belt, leaving my armour behind. Tom and I run into the nearby forest and I agree to count first. I take my time because as I have previously learnt, Tom is a very poor hider; once he tried to hide behind a pig! After giving him plenty of time I spin around and start searching for him. I check all his usual spots but he's not in any of them. After searching high and low for a few minutes, I decide to sit down and try to see if I could hear Tom. Nothing.
"Fine I give up!" I shout, then, Tom tumbles down from the leaves above me,
"Boo!" He shouts with a massive smile on his face. After a few more rounds of hide and seek we decide to head back. Just as we go to leave, without any warning I hear the release of a bow. I draw my swords and look to see if I can spot the archer. To my surprise, I see a skeleton hid under a tree, I quickly cut him down and turn to face Tom...oh gosh
"Tom!" I shout, rushing over to him. His chest has been pierced by an arrow. Neither of us are wearing armour so I know instantly that this is serious. Tom is laying on the floor trying not to look at the arrow. I rush and sit by him, "are you okay?"
"I've been better!" He says sarcastically,
"Well done Sherlock!" I return, no serious time!
"Just get me back, where my medical things are and I can talk you through what to do." He instructs
"Me?" I gasp, "can't Lewis..."
"No." Tom cuts off, "Lewis went away last night remember. You have to do this." Tom tells me. Trying not to panic, I lift up Tom and carry him home. I place him down on his bed, still wondering what to do. "Okay, first you need to look at the wound and describe to me what it looks like." He instructs. I pull his jacket off him, and grab a pair of scissors and cut his blood soaked shirt off him,
"It looks like only the arrow head and a centimetre or two went in. " I say, "its a fairly small wound."
"Okay. Can you snap the arrow for me, it will be easier that way. But make sure to leave what ever has pierced my skin there, that's acting as a plug right now." He explains, I nod and do exactly that. I do exactly what I'm told by Tom, which is difficult sometimes, because it involves him screaming at the top of his lungs when I had to try and clean the wound. Eventually after a lot of blood, sweet and tears, Tom is bandaged up. I stay there clutching his hand making sure he's alright,
"So," he coughs, face pale from the blood loss, "are you impressed?" He asks
"With what?" I question,
"With my six pack. Don't lie, I saw your face when you saw my chest. Pure lust." He teases,
"Oh yeah sure! I was staring at your six pack when you had an arrow in your chest!" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes
" I knew it." He smiles. As Tom moved to sit up, I notice something I never had before
"Whats that?" I ask. I see shock register on his face
"Its um..." he's stumbling for words,"my er..."
"You dont have to say." I reassure
"No. You should know." He sighs, he lifts his arm and shows it to me. The whole of his forearm is covered in a white metal with small lights and cables running along it. "This, is my prosthetic arm. instead of a basic plastic one, Lewis made a robitic arm. It works just the same as a normal and I can move my hand using it too." He explains
"How did you..." I gasp
"Zombie attack when I was 14. It bit a huge chunk out of my arm, doctors said they wouldnt fix it but they patched it up so I spent a year with a paralised hand and a huge chunk missing out my arm. We spoke to a few blacksmiths but no one would make armor for me. So my dad created this and designed my armor for me." I cant stop looking at it. I never knew. I glance up to Tom, I see the tears forming in my eyes and give him a hug.
I haven't left Tom's side in hours. Lewis still isnt back and I dont want to leave him alone. Tom is sleeping peacefully which is a good sign. Its so cold, I want to go back to my own bed but Tom might wake up and be in a lot of pain.
Toms eyes flicker open and I'm instantly by him to make sure he's alright. Tom just smiles at me. His face is pale from the lack of energy, he didn't lose a lot of blood but he's hardly eaten.
"Hey. " he greets, half asleep "you okay?" Thats so Tom, he got shot by an arrow yet he still asks me how I'm doing
"Im good. Are you alright? Do you need anything?" I check
"Nah im alright. Are you cold? You're shivering!" He gasps
"I'll be fine." I shrug, Tom pulls the cover up
"Come on. I cant stand to see you cold. " I consider staying where I am but I'm just so cold. I lie on the end of the bed. Tom drops the cover and tries to go back to sleep. I find myself slowly drifting off. I almost forgot Tom is here until I feel his arm wrap around me. I go to object but then I see hes fast asleep and I dont want to wake him. I guess one little hug while he's unconscious couldnt do much harm.
I wake up in a bed that isnt mine. It takes me a minute to remember what happened yesterday. It is at that moment that I notice Tom in the bed. My hand is rested against his chest, in fact my entire body is pressed by him. Our faces are inches apart. His arm is around me, holding me close to him, but not too tight. Not wanting to wake him, I stay completely still.
Eventually, Tom wakes up and sees me lying next to him. our eyes meet for just a short moment.
"I better go." I mumble
"Wait." Tom says "just another minutes. "
"Okay." I grant him that and lie with him for another few minutes before leaving to go get some food. As I'm preparing breakfast, I glance out to see Lewis putting armour on Teela. I drop everything and rush out. He spots me and quickly finishes putting the armour on, instantly I point up to where Tom is,
"Toms hurt." I say quickly, "he was shot by a skeleton and he didn't have any armour on." I explain briefly, Lewis rushes inside
"Well this is the worst thing that could have happened." He sighs,
"He said he'll be fine in a few days." I reassure,
"We don't have a few days!" Lewis shouts, "the Enderdragon isn't going to wait a few days." He says, I stop dead in my tracks. Wait what?!
"Enderdragon!" I gasp....

Authors note
So we're nearing the end, eeep!!!

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