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Makoto was standing over the stove when the front door opened.  He half expected it to be Rin but he probably wasn't off work yet.  He saw Haru walk by the kitchen, silent as ever.  Makoto was truly worried about their son.  He usually tried to stay out of Haru's way because he had his own way of working things out but things were getting worse lately.  He called after Haru, "How was you're day, Haru?"

Haru stopped in his tracks but didn't look at Makoto.  "Papa..." After a minute he asked, "Is Dad home yet?"

"No yet..."  Makoto left the food on the stove to simmer, "But it's still early."  Makoto walked over to Haru in the hall.  Haru was still standing there staring at the floor in front of him.  Makoto gently placed a hand on Haru's shoulder but he immediately shrugged it off and ran down the hall.  Makoto heard his door slam as he followed Haru down the hall.  Makoto went up and lightly knocked on the door, "What's wrong Haru?  Do you miss Dad?"  Silence.  "Please come out and eat, we can try and call him after dinner."  Haru just stayed silent, refusing to open his door.  Makoto smiled sadly, "Can you smell that Haru?  I cooked your favorite."

The door creaked open, Haru looked through the gap at Makoto.  "Did you really, Papa?"

Makoto nodded, "Come on, let's eat it while it's warm."

Haru opened his door all the way, following Makoto back into the kitchen.  Haru sat at the kitchen table as Makoto dished the grilled mackerel onto two plates and set them down on the table.  They quietly started eating dinner, Makoto kept looking at Haru, wishing there was something more he could do.  But he knew that the strained relationship between him and Rin wasn't helping.

Haru ate fast, not looking up from his plate once.  He didn't want to talk, he had nothing to say that his parents would understand.  When he had finished all the mackerel, he stood up and washed his plate.  He turned to leave the kitchen but stopped when he saw Makoto staring at him.  Makoto was quiet when he asked, "Haru... Do you wanna sit for a minute?  There's something I want to talk to you about."

Haru sat back down at the table, waiting for Makoto to say something.  Makoto gently rested a hand on Haru's arm and looked into his blue eyes.  "Haru, I'm sorry we haven't been there for you as much right now.  Your dad and I are failing as parents, and I'm sorry.  You deserve more Haru, I don't want you to suffer alone.  We know you're depressed and the tension between your dad and me isn't helping.  I'm so sorry."

Haru grit his teeth, what difference did it make for Makoto to say all these apologetic words?  Haru was still empty inside.  Haru snapped, "This doesn't change anything!  You won't do anything about it!"

Makoto retracted his hand slowly, "I am going to do something.  I've decided to leave your dad.  I wanted to let you know before, but I didn't know how."

Haru was in shock, he couldn't have heard what Makoto had said correctly.  But he did.  Haru's face suddenly changed, he narrowed his eyes, slamming his fists onto the table.  "Do whatever you want!"  He yelled at the table, he couldn't look at Makoto.  He got up and ran back to his room, slamming the door behind him and jamming his desk chair under the door handle to keep Makoto out.

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