Chapter 2

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As we walk into the room full of girls, I look over and see one little girl that catches my eye.

It was a little girl in the back, she had her hair in a little bun some black flats and a pretty pink dress with flowers on it.


"Yes, Miss. Lavato?"

"Who's that little girl?" I pointed to her.

"Oh she's Maci, she's four and she doesn't really talk all that much."

"Can I see her?" I asked

"Of course, but she may not talk at first." She said.


I walked over to Maci and sat near her.

"Hi sweetie, in Demi."

She looked at me.

"Are you Maci?"

She nodded.

"Maci do you want to come home with me?"

She looked down, then up at me and nodded.

"Okay, sweetie I have to fill some paperwork out, then I will be back," I told her.

She keeps looking down then at me, but what surprised me was when she stuck out the pinky finger.

I wrapped my finger around hers and said: "I pinky promise, that I will."

Mute (Adopted by Demi Lavato)(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now