Capitol Reapings

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Pov: Aye Will Bea Victor

I sit up in bed as the rays of the sun pierce through the silken curtains hanging in my room. I push a button on my headboard and an Avox shows up moments later. I order it to open my curtains and to bring me breakfast. It nods at me before walking across my lavish room and opening the curtains. I look over at my clock and gasp. It is 1:46 p.m. Never in my life have I woken up this early! "Waking up before 3 is the servants job." My mother always says. I try to fall back asleep but something in the back of my mind keeps bugging me. That's when it hit me, Oh yeah! I'm entering the games today! I chuckle to myself as I dress in my golden closet. After the Avox has brought me my breakfast I walk down to the car where I will be taken to the reaping. 

"Destination?" Says a voice coming from a speaker in the car.

"The Presidents Mansion." I reply

In seconds the car is rolling around the glorious capitol and all its tall buildings and magnificent people. By the time we get there there are already people screaming my name and chanting. It is no secret I am being chosen for the games, everyone knows. That is everyone in the Capitol knows. Of course its supposed to be random but seeing as the capitol never rebelled the President always chooses. Though there is no guaranteed win because the game makers cant be biest, the Capitol tribute is usually a victor. Obiously I will be a victor, I mean its literally in my name. Those stupid kids from the districts are always so dumb in the arena, like honestly its not even that hard. I step out of the car and take my seat next to Pretty Princess.

Pov: Pretty Princess

Ew, this hoe. I think to myself as Aye Will Bea Victor sits down next to me. I mean this dude hasn't even touched a weapon in his life, hes gonna get killed so fast in that arena. I smile at the thought and continue to fantasize at all the ways he could die when I hear my name get called. I try to act all surprised for the Districts. "My name is Pretty Princess and I am 18." I state into the microphone and take a seat on the stage. 

"Aye Will Bea Victor!" Yells our escort happily.

He took his seat next to me grinning at me but I turn away from him and admire my beautiful nail beds.

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