Chapter nineteen

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Sunday rolled in quickly and because I was a helper, soon to be corrector, I was hosting tonight's group cleansing. Nerves were an under statement compared to how I was feeling. The whole day felt like a hot blur and my blood boiled hotter by each passing hour. Aiden was ecstatic and a smile never left his face. Garnet would pass me every now and then on her way to her bedroom or town for another drive, she did that a lot lately, and give me an almost forced smile. I would smile back but we were wishing the same thing. She was supposed to be the first corrector to be a woman, and I was to bring in the fourth generation August child.

Picking fruit and breathing the fresh air that surrounded us didn't seem to do a thing. Even George's witty memories of his trips to large supermarket chains at two in the morning didn't extinguish my thoughts and mood. I felt like I was going to vomit again and had to sit down.
'Jo, why are you doing this to yourself? You are falling apart.' George leaned down placing his hand on my shoulder, blocking the Suns rays from hitting my sweaty face.
I looked up at his face in anguish, he didn't understand because he didn't feel the love for the commune or Aiden as much as I did.
'George, I... I can't try to explain this again. Aiden knows what's best for me.' Before I could say or do anything else I was overwhelmed with depression and my tears ripped from my eyes, trying desperately to cover me in the salty water.
George held me as I cried in the warm grassy field. Neither of us spoke, or tried to. After a while I stopped crying and we just laid there by the tree, our baskets still half full. It was when the wind grew colder that we noticed the sun drawing itself to the mountains.
'It's time to go home and get ready.'
George helped me up and walked me home, still not speaking, but letting small glances pass every now and then to make sure I was still dry eyed.
Once we arrived by the balcony he grabbed my wrist softly before I walked in the door.
'You will be okay, won't you?' He whispered, staring sadly into my eyes.
I nodded and he pulled me to him, embracing me into a tight hug that had me surprised at first, but I hugged back.

Upon walking in the door, Aiden stood there waiting for me.
'You two seem to be too close. He seems to forget that you are mine.' His eyes scowled as sharply as his tongue.
'He's just looking out for me, Aiden. Trust me, I am with you one hundred per cent.' I grabbed his cold hands and placed them on my hips and he kissed my forehead.
'Just stop seeing him.' Aiden whispered before kissing me tenderly and wrapping his body to mine.
Aiden led me up the stairs to our bedroom revealing that he had set out a new dress for me on the bed. He told me that he had got the women in the commune who knew how to sew to make it for me. It was stunning and as I ran my fingers across its silky white material with lace covering the top I smiled. They had gone to so much trouble to make me look beautiful on my special day, no one, other than Aiden, had ever treated me so special. It reminded me of why I was doing this. For the commune and the serenity it gives us.
Aiden left the room for me to shower and put on the dress. Of course it perfectly fit me, and I swayed around the room, sliding my hands up and down my body, feeling every texture the dress gave.
I opened the door and swayed down the stairs like I was a princess, and when Garnet and Aiden locked eyes on to me, there excitement burst out like fireworks making me really feel like a princess.

Everyone bowed and curtsied as I stood at the front of the hall waiting for everyone to be seated.
Aiden had already set up the bath for cleansing, and was waiting by the prayer chamber doors to get Isabel and an uncleansable, chosen from another corrector, Brian.
Once everyone was seated, in rolled Gabriel with everyone in a cheer. He was here to watch how I went and everyone took it as a sign of good fortune.
'Today is my first cleansing, and I am happy to be sharing this moment with you all.'
Aiden and the other corrector, Brian, had pulled out Isabel and an older lady, who looked terrified.
Brian, who was on the chubby side, but boasted a lot of muscle mass in his upper body, brought the older woman to her knees in front of everyone and held her head up so she would stop looking to the ground and sobbing.
Aiden stood Isabel next to me and kept hold of Isabel who was silent, but looked very scared.
Brian cleared his throat as he began the cleansing.
'This woman was injecting drugs into her body, and doing sexual favours for her next hit.' He pulled her arms forward and twisting them to show the track marks dotting there way up her arms. She cried out but Brian only squeezed tighter, and dislocated her shoulder pulling them back.
'She has shown us that she cannot be cleansed, so we will send her to purgatory where she will  relive her sins in unadulterated agony.' He spat as he bellowed his words.
'Let us pray for her soul.'
Everyone bowed and began to pray and Brian pulled out his knife from his Pocket and swiftly sliced the woman's throat deeply. She dropped to the ground and started gripping her neck and gargling, drenching herself in her own blood. Usually I kept my eyes closed for this part.
When her existence was no longer, I knew it was my turn to continue the cleansing, and as Brian dragged out the drugged woman's body, I placed myself in the middle with Isabel and Aiden.
'Th-this is Isabel and she will be cleansed for she is...' I spaced out after realising I was stepping in blood.
'Chosen.' I snapped myself out of my anxious thoughts and continued.
Isabel closed her eyes as we placed her in the cold bath, she looked as if she was awaiting death. This whole time she was silent and didn't even cry like the rest did. When it was over she was left for the people to see as they all one by one started to leave.
When they had all left it was just me, Aiden, Isabel and Gabriel.
'Welcome to Holy Corrections, Isabel. May the demons inside you dissipate with every cleansing.' Gabriel said, as he left her shivering and unable to answer.
Aiden and I walked Isabel back to the prayer chamber door and as I put the key in the whole Isabel finally spoke.
'Por favor. Please don't make me go back in there.' Her wide eyes demanding my attention.
I took a deep breathe and opened the door as Aiden pushed her back in, where she collapsed.
Aiden slammed the door shut, making me relieved it was over.
The bile taste in my mouth didn't lessen though.
'Well done, my love. You did well.' Aiden kissed my forehead then wandered off, leaving me to stare into the wood of the prayer chambers door.
A lot of this chapter was suggested by my sister, S.Prendergast. Thanks guuurrrrl!

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