Chapter 11 - News and Rules

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Chapter 11 – News and Rules

Rosie’s P.O.V

I ran in our recording studio, Room 13, ready to find 6 pairs of eyes staring angrily at me because I was 5 minutes late. I’d never been punctual, I admit it, but being late on your first day didn’t sound too good for me. But, for my surprise, there was only one person on one of the two couches in the studio. And Louis didn’t even bother to look up at me from his phone. How rude…

“Hello to you, too, Louis,” I said as I fell on the other comfy sofa and crossed my arms.

“Guess what, guess what, and guess what! I’ve just taken Eleanor on a date!” he practically shouted in my ear, suddenly bouncing up and down in front of me.

“Guess what, guess what, and guess what! I don’t care!” I replied, my sarcasm on a high level.

“Geez, Rosie, what crawled up your bum?” he mumbled under his breath, sitting next to me and finally not paying attention to his phone. Maybe it’s from the ache I have in my legs because I’ve run like mad 6 levels, as the elevator was broken.

“Where are the others?” I asked, noticing again that we were alone.

“I don’t know. I left earlier today to meet Eleanor for a breakfast date, and then I came here alone. They must’ve stooped for a snack, I think…” said Louis smiling, probably at the memory of his date.

“Either that or they’ve been mobbed by a screaming crowd of obsessed teenagers that killed the security or now they’re running down the street until here to save their lives,” I told the boy beside me.

“This sounds like a video from The Wanted,” he scrunched up his nose at the thought of those guys.

“I thought you hate them…?” I stated, sounding more like a question.

“Hate is a strong word. At first, I saw it as boy band rivalry, but they took it on another level, which is quite frustrating. Besides, you need to know your enemies from head to toe, right?” he said and I nodded, agreeing with the last part.

“Oh, I bet they have their rooms’ walls covered in posters of you. And they have secret 1D fan accounts and they’re tweeting you all those sexually tweets,” I tried to sound as if I wasn’t doing the same in my spare time. Louis simply chuckled and went back to his texting. Boring silence, here we go again…

Just I was about to play Temple Run on my phone again, the other British boys entered the room. I silently thanked God for that because I was turning into a Temple Run addicted, and that wasn’t a good thing.

“Finally you arrived! Don’t you know you aren’t allowed to be late on your first day of work?” I said all serious, waving my index finger in their faces, the other hand on my hip. Louis raised an eyebrow and gave me a weird look.

“Yeah, because you haven’t been late a second, right?” he scoffed. I ignored him and shut my mouth up, not daring to say anything.

“But who cares, we’re all here, so let’s get it started,” Liam tried to cheer us up.

“Actually, where is Jack?” Zayn asked. The boys suddenly moved their gaze on me, and Louis even said ”Yeah, Rosie, where is he?”

“Why are you looking at me? I’m not his babysitter, I don’t know where he’s wandering,” I defended myself.

“Come on, Rosie, he’s your future brother-in-law, you should know more,” Niall said bitterly, scowling at me. My body tensed up at the thought of me being single again as I remembered I hadn’t told them about the break up. in fact, I hadn’t told anyone about the break up, excepting Zayn right after we kissed. But he promised not to tell anyone and he kept his promise.

“Mike and I broke up,” I mumbled more to myself, hoping none of them has heard. Unfortunately, they did, and they heard it pretty clear, I think.

“You did what?” Harry almost yelled, a slightly smile spreading on his face. The others were shocked at the news, well all excepting Zayn, who kept his face emotionless.

“She broke up with the boy, mate. You heard it well,” Niall said to Harry, still frowning. What had crawled up his butt that morning? Why was he suddenly so moody?

“So you’re single?” harry asked again, this time fully grinning. Liam hit him with his elbow and gave him a strange look; Harry straightened up, but I still could see a small smile.

“Yes, I am? Why, do you want to change that?” I said, raising an eyebrow. Louis frowned a bit, and then his face lit up, only to go back to frowning at Harry.

“What have I missed?” Jack asked, making his way to the desk as he entered the recording room. Judging by the smirk on his face, he was in a very good mood, which meant he was in the hit maker mood, my favorite mood of his.

“Rosie’s single,” Zayn concluded our previous conversation.

“I knew that. By the way, I’ve meet Jenny yesterday and she’s a completely sweetheart!” Jack added. I heard someone mumbling a “Did he cheat on her?”, but I ignored the voice that sounded more like Harry’s.

“They’re here? In New York? When did they arrive? Why are they here?” I asked, smiling at the thought of meeting the incredible Jenny.

“Mike has a few concerts at Biny this week and she’s with him. They can’t wait to meet you, call them soon,” Jack winked. I laughed as his gesture and took my phone out to text something quick to Mike.

“Now, guys, we’re going to split up in two groups,” Jack clapped his hands.

“Like they do in Scooby-Doo?” Liam asked excited.

“Yeah. And that rhymes, so we should use it in a song…” Zayn laughed.

“Okay, so Rosie, Harry and Zayn in a group, and Niall, Louis and Liam in the other group,” Jack instructed. Louis frowned and complained about the groups, saying that he wants to be in the same group as Zayn. Harry refused to switch places with his, so Liam suggested Niall switching places with Zayn. Niall said no at first, but finally gave in. this whole situation made me think Niall had something against me, which I was totally clueless about, not remembering anything bad I had done or said to him. I needed to talk with Niall about it, and soon.

“Fine, so we have the groups settled, not let’s talk about the schedule. Rosie, Harry and Niall will record every Monday and Wednesday, and Louis, Liam and Zayn will record every Tuesday and Thursday. Every two Fridays, we all meet up and discuss the songs we’ve recorded so far, okay?”

 We nodded like some 5 year olds listening to the rules their parents have thought of.

“We’ve got everything settled, now let’s get back to work!”

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